Social Issue Research Argument Essay (Obesity (is, is not) a disease in the United States.)

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Northlake college


The Social Issue Group Project Assignments (100 points) and the Social Issue

Research Argument Essay (200 points)

English 1302

Social Issue Research Argument Topics (Choose One):

1.Human activity (is, is not) a major cause of global climate change.

2.The United States Government (should, should not) continue domestic surveillance.

3.Obesity (is, is not) a disease in the United States.


Assign each group member specific data bases and websites to research:

  • Group Member One. Reputable sources: SIRS, CQ Researcher, Opposing Viewpoints.Scholarly sources:Academic Search Complete.( Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Two. Scholarly sources:Omni File, Infotrac (General One File and Nursing Resource Center), Gale Virtual Reference Library. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Three.Scholarly sources:Infotrac (General One File and Nursing Resource Center), Legal Collection, Education Full Text, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)
  • Group Member Four.Scholarly sources:Academic Search Complete, Social Science Full Text, Military and Government Collection, Religion and Philosophy Collection, Science and Technology Collection. (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)

Group Member Five.Scholarly Sources:Academic Search Complete, Points of View, Business Full Text, Business Source Complete.Website sources:Law Review Commons, Jurist, Pro and, Nature,XXXXXXXXsite:gov, XXXXXXXsite:edu (Full text, scholarly, peer reviewed, or referred)

4.Each student will submit (10) reputable or scholarly sources as assigned in MLA format from specific databases.(Value:40 points)

5.Complete and submit online the following forms:(1) Peer Evaluation and (2) Self Evaluation. (Value:10 points).

6.In a one-page, multiple paragraph essay format and a “Work Cited” page, answer and submit online responses to the questions on the “Research Topic Reflection” form.(Value:50 points)

7.Social Issue Research Argument Essay (200 points)

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Obesity is a disease in the United States
In 2018 the American Medical Association (AMA) voted in a move to classify obesity as
a disease and not a condition as we used to know it. This was during an annual meeting in which
the committee of experts felt that it was necessary to classify obesity as a disease. This move was
intended to increase the campaign to suppress and enlighten people about obesity. The move
declares obesity as a disease was meant to ensure that specialist give it the necessary attention
considering its impact on the society. The decision will automatically increase the focus on
obesity and people will start seeing it as a serious threat and not just a normal health condition
(Obesity, 77). The focus will be on treatment as well as prevention for the disease considering
the increasing complexities and health problems associated with the disease. This paper will
discuss why obesity is a disease in the United States.
What is a disease?
I will not go to the definition of a disease but the actual aspects of what a disease it. If
you wake up today feeling like you cannot perform as you did yesterday it is automatically that
you need to see a doctor. Sick people go to see a doctor and fat people are equally sick. People
do not accept that when they are fat they have to see a doctor or even seek special treatment
because of the mentality that obesity is not a disease. All other conditions that are classified as

Surname 2
diseases require people to seek treatment, some of these conditions are less harmful than obesity
but people with obesity are never concerned with seeking treatment. The effect of obesity is
worse since it has visible sickness effects. It is worrying when a patient visits a doctor only to be
told that his or her condition is normal (Percentage of Overweight or Obese Children, 05).
Is obesity a disease?
There are numerous debates that it was unnecessary to declare obesity a disease because
of the impact that the decision has...

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