Prostitution, the Law and the Media

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Preparation for the Assignment: Research state laws on prostitution, including what penalties typically are assessed for this behavior, and whether both customers and prostitutes can be charged with engaging in prostitution. You should also do a library or online search for information and legal cases regarding prostitution. Compare how coverage differs depending on the person(s) involved and the time and place in which such events occur. For example, the media give headline coverage to prostitution when the person involved is a politician or a Hollywood actor.

Assignment: In a 3 page paper (use only Microsoft Word) present your findings on prostitution in the law and media. How are race, class, and gender linked to laws on prostitution? How do the media depict prostitution? What would be the consequences for individuals and society if pornography were effectively eliminated in the United States? In what ways might this change make the society a better place in which to live? In what ways might this change create new problems for society? Could prostitution and the manufacture and sale of pornographic materials be organized in such a manner that they do not result in the exploitation of people, especially women and children?

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Prostitution, the Law and the Media




Prostitution, the Law and the Media
The current debate over prostitution in the United States has divided American down the
middle as to whether prostitution should be considered an illegal practice. Prostitution laws vary
between jurisdiction. In some jurisdiction prostitution is an illegal practice that involves the
commercial exchange of goods, services and money for sex or some agreed benefits between the
parties doing the transaction. In other jurisdiction prostitution is only illegal if it is done in public
places, pimping or operating a brothel. Most of the jurisdiction that allows prostitution have
regulated prostitution while in other prostitution is unregulated. Where prostitution is illegal
mostly it is the prostitute or sex worker that is subject to prosecution, or the client or both of
them. On the subject of prostitution, the media happen to be a key a player. The media plays a
crucial role in reporting about prostitution and has in the recent past covered instances where
prominent people have been involved in prostitution. While the media is expected to be neutral
on prostitution. Reporting that is focused on highlighting the morality of prostitution is
considered to be a tool for the stigmatization of sex workers. In the pas...

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