Python Programming

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1. Tic-Tac-Toe
Create a visual and interactive Python program that will facilitate a game of Tic-Tac-Toe between two human players.

2. Taffy Tangle

I attached "Event driven programming pdf" for extra information for problem 1 and 2. (if possible use)

Thank you.

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Event-Driven Programming cpsc 231 - fall 2018 This supplementary handout describes a program execution model that you might find useful for Assignment #5. Though our official course text does not formally cover this topic, the stddraw module does provide us with the means necessary to use this model. Up to now, the model of execution for the computer programs we’ve written have been entirely sequential. Program statements are executed one at a time, in a certain order, obeying your conditional and iterative statements, until the program terminates. The only interactions our programs have had with a human have been through the console via the input() or*() functions. While it has served us well, the key limitation of this model is that we cannot do anything while waiting for input from the human! For example, if we wanted to write a program that draws something until the user indicates otherwise, it might look like the listing below. Although you can interact with the program through the console, your operating system may start to get unhappy that your program is not being responsive. To some extent, it’s right, because no modern application with a graphical interface works this way.1 With Assignment #4, we were kind of at a “teething” stage in transitioning to a visual interface for our programs. It made the most sense to tolerate this awkwardness for just a little while. 1 import stddraw radius = 0.5 keep_drawing = True while keep_drawing:, 0.5, radius) radius *= 0.8 response = input(’Draw another circle? ’) keep_drawing = (response == ’y’) What if we wanted to run a live animation that responds to a mouse click? Or perhaps alter its behaviour if we press a certain key? The event-driven programming paradigm provides a means to achieve this. The main idea is to run an indefinite loop, called an event loop, that forms the core of your program. On each iteration, check if any user input events have occurred, respond accordingly, then take care of other things for a finite amount of time. Our textbook’s stddraw module provides a simple means for us to respond to mouse clicks in an event-driven manner. Calling stddraw.mousePressed() will return True to us if the mouse had been clicked since the last time we asked. Then we can obtain the position of the last mouse click, in our stddraw window coordinates, with stddraw.mouseX() and stddraw.mouseY(). Using these functions, we can turn the bouncing ball example (Program 1.5.6) into a crude “game” of trying to click on the ball, as shown. Output of running Draw Draw Draw Draw another another another another circle? circle? circle? circle? y y y n The event-driven algorithm would look something like this: • While we want to keep running our program, repeat: 1. Check for input or other events. 2. Respond to events that occurred. 3. Do some other things for a small, finite amount of time. Many windowing system apis will run the event loop for you and check for events automatically, invoking specified functions in your code, called event handlers, whenever events you’re interested in occur. event-driven programming 2 import stddraw radius = 0.1 rx = 0.5 # ball x-position ry = 0.5 # ball y-position vx = 1.5 # ball x-velocity vy = 2.3 # ball y-velocity dt = 0.01 # time step for animation clicked_on_ball = False while not clicked_on_ball: # check for events and respond accordingly if stddraw.mousePressed(): mx = stddraw.mouseX() my = stddraw.mouseY() d_squared = (mx-rx)*(mx-rx) + (my-ry)*(my-ry) clicked_on_ball = (d_squared < radius * radius) # animate the ball and bounce off walls rx += dt * vx ry += dt * vy if rx < 0.0 or rx > 1.0: vx *= -1.0 if ry < 0.0 or ry > 1.0: vy *= -1.0 stddraw.clear() stddraw.filledCircle(rx, ry, radius) * dt) Similarly, stddraw provides a means to respond to key presses in an event-driven manner, without going through the console. Calling stddraw.hasNextKeyTyped() gives us True if a key was pressed since we last checked,2 and stddraw.nextKeyTyped() gives us the key as a one-character str object. Try the frustrating little reflex-tester demonstration program listed below! import random import stddraw stddraw.setFontSize(300) matched = False while not matched: number = str(random.randrange(1, 10)) stddraw.clear() stddraw.text(0.5, 0.5, number) while stddraw.hasNextKeyTyped(): key = stddraw.nextKeyTyped() matched = matched or (key == number) Note that key presses are queued up in a buffer so that we don’t lose keys if the user is typing faster than the rate at which you’re running your event loop. The best way to process key events is to use a while statement like that shown in the example program. 2 1 x XIXO Th Figure 3: A Tic-Tac-Toe game in progress. Problem 1: Tic-Tac-Toe Tic-Tac-Toe is another classic two-player game, played on pencil and paper, that most of us surely learned before elementary school. It is played on a three-by-three grid of squares as shown in Figure 3, and the object of the game is to claim a row of three squares on the board, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The player who goes first is known as x and the second player as O. The first player starts by claiming one of the nine squares by marking it with an x. Then the second player takes an open square by marking it with an 0. The players continue to alternate turns this way until one player, the winner, makes a line of three squares in a row with his or her symbol, or until all nine squares are filled. If the grid is filled but neither player has a line of three, the game is a draw (also known as a "cat's game”). Create a visual and interactive Python program that will facili- tate a game of Tic-Tac-Toe between two human players. Draw the board on the screen and wait for the first player to click in one fo the nine squares, then draw an x in that square. Next, allow the second player to do the same with an O. Write a message in your game's window to indicate whose turn it is. Continue until one of the play- ers wins, or the game ends in a draw. Indicate the the final result of the game in the graphics window, then wait until the players close the window (or ask if the players would like to play another game). OLX O Figure 4: Player x has won the game by forming a line of three. Inputs: A series of mouse clicks from two human players taking turns to place their x's and O's. Outputs: A Tic-Tac-Toe board (which looks like a #) drawn in a win- dow on your screen with x's and O's drawn as they are placed. olxo 이x Figure 5: The game is drawn when all squares are filled and neither player has a line of three. Problem 2: Taffy Tangle Your goal for this problem is to a visual and interactive Python pro- gram that allows a human player to play our variant of the match- three game, Taffy Tangle (or whatever you've christened your game). Our basic variant of the game will be played on a board measuring 9 rows by 7 columns with six different kinds of "taffies”, as shown in Figure 6. The player makes moves by swapping adjacent taffies so that a line (horizontal or vertical) of at least three objects of the same kind is made. The game ends when no more valid moves remain. Your program must be able to perform the following functions to satisfy all requirements of this problem: >000 1. Generate an initial board (9 rows by 7 columns) filled with ran- dom selections of the 6 different kinds of taffies, and draw the board to the screen. Figure 6: The initial board of taffies in our game, with one taffy selected in- side the red box), ready to be swapped. • Each kind of taffy must be visually distinct from the others in both colour and shape. (Yours do not need to look like the ones shown as long as they meet this requirement.) • The initial board should not contain any lines (horizontal or vertical) of three or more taffies of the same kind in a row. 2. Allow the player to make moves of swapping two adjacent taffies on the board by first clicking on one taffy, then clicking on an adjacent one, while the game is not won or lost. 300011 00000 DODOC • After the first click, indicate which taffy is "selected" in some visual way (e.g. as shown in Figure 6). • Cancel the move if the player then clicks a second taffy that is not adjacent to the first, selected one. • Forbid or undo a move that would not result in creating a new match of three or more taffies. 3. After a valid move from the player, repeatedly eliminate taffies that are matched by following the sequence of steps below, until no more matches are found. Update the visual board and pause briefly after each step so that the player can see what happened. Figure 7: The green taffy has been swapped with the yellow one below, creating two lines of three matches. O 0000 IDONDOO OOO • Eliminate all taffies on the board that are part of a horizontal or vertical line of three or more taffies of the same kind (Figure 8). • Allow taffies in each column to "fall" so that it contains a con- tinuous stack of taffies from the bottom, and no gaps remain in the middle (Figure 9). • Refill each column with new, random taffies at the top until all columns again contain 9 taffies (Figure 10). 4. Keep track of the player's score and display it visually within the game window. In our basic variant, the score will simply be the number of taffies the player has eliminated. You may use a more sophisticated scoring mechanic if you like. 5. Detect when no more valid moves remain, then display a "game over” message with the player's final score in your game window. If you don't like losing all the time, you may optionally set a win condition or goal (e.g. reaching a certain score, perhaps within a given time limit) and end the game with a victory message once the condition is met. Figure 8: The two lines of matching taffies have been eliminated, leaving a gap in the middle. It is entirely up to you to decide how you want to organize your program into functions, modules, and classes. While it is not strictly required that you use any or all of these constructs, we are pretty certain that you will want to use them if you plan to complete this problem while staying sane. Don't hesitate to ask the instructors if you need advice for any part of the design process. Good luck! Figure 9: The taffies above the created gap have fallen down to fill the empty space so that every column is a contin- uous stack of taffies from the bottom of the board. Inputs: A series of mouse clicks from the player, desperately trying to swap taffies on the visual game board. Outputs: A colourful visual display of taffies being swapped, disap- pearing, dropping, and reappearing. Don't forget to pause briefly (e.g. for half a second) after each step! OD DOOD OOO TOO s00000 Figure 10: Random new taffies have been created to fill every column to the top again. Note that the three red taffies should now be eliminated and the falling and refilling process repeated until no more matches remain, before the player makes his or her next move.
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