For the reading:
You do NOT need to read all of this. Please prepare the following (The number are the page numbers of the text, not the pdf page numbers)
In the Political Writings, please read the Enumeration of the Sciences and the Book of Religion
Pages 76-84 and pages 93-113
In the Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle (PDF named Happiness) please read the following pages of The Attainment of Happiness.
Pages 34 (start at the section marked "iii") -50.
questions can be about anything mentioned in the reading as long as it makes sense and is supported by evidence(quotes). 400 words altogether.
write two discussion questions regarding an idea in the reading with supporting evidence. the two questions can be about anything mentioned in the reading
This is an example of the discussion questions i did previously just to give you an idea of how it is supposed to be like.
John locke states in chapter 2 “what state all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions, and persons as they think fit.” “a sate also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another.” In short, all individuals are equal, human beings are equal by nature and we will remain equal. In chapter v, he talks about the division of property. For people to have their own property and belongings there should be a state to protect those properties and their rights to them. Locke claims that someone’s right to a property is his labor that he performs on this property. Property cannot be divided equally however, someone will always at some point end up having a little more than the other therefore making us unequal, making someone possessing more than the other, thus making someone more superior than another. That is in fact contradictory to his idea of human beings being equal. We cannot be equal if property was not precisely equally divided among us, thus leading us to the question locke stressed on proving, are human beings actually born equal?
Locke states in chapter VII “the beginning of politick society depends upon the consent of the individuals goyn into and make one society; who, when they are thus incorporated, might setup what form of government they thought fit.” Therefore societies only form if people come together and act together to achieve peace and get out of the state of war. Each and every single person should willingly join this society. In this society, it is decided upon things based on the majority vote, doesn’t the majority vote however mean that some people might have a different opinion on the matter? And aren’t those people one day going to reproduce and have kids, and these kids will grow, and they might not agree or want to or be in this society? Will they then be called rebels and be sentenced to death? Should they not have the freedom and liberty to choose wether they want to or not to be a part of this society as their parents and ancestors did in accordance to the state of nature all humans are born into as lock stated? “what state all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions, and persons as they think fit.”
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Alfarabi establishes in chapter III: "The best course is that each member of the groups to which
the formation of the character of the nation is delegated should possess a warlike virtue and a
deliberative virtue for use in case there is a need to excel in leading troops in war; Thus every
one of them will possess the skill to form the nation's character by both methods." (Alfarabi) It
leads us to question how important is the formation of an individual who is in charge of the
character of the nation? It proposes us in 2 ways that complement each other harmoniously since
both constitute an individual with a judgment that represents the nature of the country. This
judgment that aims at the happiness of the nations, but how valid can it be to achieve it? This
feature gives the individual to be prepared when you have to take hostile actions but you can also
contemplate reality in all its splendor to analyze it in the...