research topic

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Business Finance


COMM 120

Library Research Assignment-Researching Topic for Small Group Presentation

  • Using the online databases of the Cuyamaca College library, locate two (2) magazine or journal articles on the topic for the group presentation.
  • Read the full text of each article and assess the value for the group presentation.
  • Attach you Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of this assignment using MLA format.
  • The whole assignment needs to be typed using standard font such as Times Roman or Garamond and submitted on Canvas.

Article 1 Title:

Name of online database:

Why will this article be useful for the group presentation? Be specific.

Article 2 Title:

Name of online database:

Why will this article be useful for the group presentation? Be specific.

Works Cited

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Research Topic
Strategies that can be used in enhancing Communication in the Workplace
It is patently clear that the paucity of effective communication has been one of the facets
that have currently affected the performance of various organizations. Ineffective employee
communication has been associated with concerns such as low productivity, insignificant
revenues, and profits, as well as poor employee-management relationships. It has also been
established that poor communication in the workplace has...

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