Purchasing researching

User Generated




Target Purchsing is Recliner

You have been asked by your General Manager to prepare your capital expenditures requests for the upcoming budget. You need to research the item you are assigned locate three sources and recommend which products you would purchase.

Please answer the following questions in an essay format:

  • Describe the product that you are recommending for purchase and provide reasoning for your selection.You must be specific about what the product is that you have researched. (Example: Hamilton Beach Commercial 1-Cup Coffee Maker – and you would answer all of the questions about this product)
  • Include picture(s) of the product that you have chosen to purchase.
  • How durable are the products? Provide online user generated content UGC if available.
  • What is the expected lifecycle of each product? What is the manufacturers warrantee?
  • A minimum of 3 quotes from 3 different wholesale sources/companies for each item that you are responsible for purchasing.

Required: For step (d), use either a chart in MSWord or an Excel spreadsheet to provide the pricing information. Include in your chart your source for the pricing.

Three different, wholesale (business to business) sources MUST be used. Most company purchasing policy dictates that 3 or more different independent sources be used, so will you for this assignment.

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