2-3 page response

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the merchant of venice


, you will read the corresponding pages in Marjorie Garber’s text, Shakespeare After All. This is a junior/senior level literature course, and students should be reading current critical thoughts written by leading scholars in the field. Your assignment, after reading both the play and the corresponding pages in Garber, is to write a thoughtful analysis of the Garber text including both her major points/thesis and your own critical response to both texts. It is an important and necessary critical skill to articulate your thoughts in a concise paper. You will probably need to write the paper and then go back to edit out extraneous details and verbiage. What you should have left is a lively and excellent analysis/discussion of the play and the Garber text. It will be a challenge, but a most worthwhile one.

Be sure to identify her thesis, major lines of argument and how she supports those arguments. This is not a "review" -- you are only taking apart her chapter to better understand it and the play. You are free to agree or disagree with her points, but be sure you can support either. Do not address whether you like the chapter or not.

The point of the assignment is for you to analyze her arguments to better understand the plays. Your finished paper will be 2-3 pages in length, and be sure to complete a MLA Works Cited entry for Garber's text as you will be quoting from it in your paper as well as the play if you choose to quote from it as well.

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Explanation & Answer


Garber’s Interpretation of The Merchant of Venice- Outline
Thesis Statement: While Marjorie Garber is correct to note the complexity of the play as being
partly incomprehensible, she pays little attention to the issue of race and discrimination which, I
believe, is the main theme of the play.
I. Introduction
II. Theme of difference
III. Complexity of the play
IV. Racial intolerance
V. Conclusion

Surname 1
Garber’s Interpretation of The Merchant of Venice
Arguably Shakespeare’s greatest play, the Merchant of Venice is an interesting,
sophisticated, and complex play drawing much attention to the theme of difference and
sociocultural factors in the society. Marjorie Garber, on the other hand, as an experienced
literature professor, presents a very interesting look into this play. Primarily, the play which was
written in the 16th century and has been reviewed and discussed countless times since then,
presents a diversity of ideas which are based on the theme of difference, tolerance, and justice.
Garber views the play as complex and basing its appeal on the ambiguity and ambivalence
observed with the many intersecting themes. While Marjor...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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