Literature Review Revised.

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ENGLISH 109W Literature Review Background: Reviewing scholarly sources about writing in the disciplines is one way to become informed about academic writing contexts that you may encounter during upper-division coursework. To develop knowledge of disciplinary writing contexts relevant to your undergraduate work, this assignment asks you to review journal articles about an undergraduate writing issue in one academic field or in several related fields. Upon completion, your review should give undergraduate readers an insider’s view of scholarly discussion about a specific undergraduate writing issue and should conclude with a hypothesis or question that you would like to investigate through field research at Sacramento State. Prompt: What related claims do peer-reviewed articles make about an important question or problem regarding undergraduate writing in your academic field or in related fields? Introduce a relevant question or problem addressed in 3 or 4 journal articles, explain the arguments those articles make about the issue, and discuss how your review brought up a hypothesis or question about an undergraduate writing context on our campus. Text Features • • • • • • • • Introduce the question or problem to be discussed in your review Explain how that issue relates to writing in one or more academic fields Explain claims three secondary sources make about that issue; discuss o the purpose of each source o any field research reported in each source o evidence supporting each source’s claim(s) Include sources that directly address undergraduate writing in the disciplines Organize your supporting paragraphs to reflect how the articles are related Summarize, paraphrase, and/or quote each article to support your review Discuss a closing question or insight that relates the articles reviewed to an undergraduate writing context on our campus Use an appropriate citation style Process Steps • • • • • • Browse sources that address writing issues relevant to your undergraduate work Select one or more sources that discuss intriguing questions or problems Read the initial source(s) and locate additional related sources Choose an appropriate citation style Focus a rough draft on explaining three articles Polish your draft based on peer and instructor feedback Due Dates • • 4- to 5-page rough draft due 10/23 5- to 6-page polished draft due 11/8 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Participants-1 Q1. Do you think the Sacramento State Campus curriculum plays a significant role in affecting education in health sciences? A: YES. The curriculum plays an important role in students’ uptake and understanding of health science courses. The learning technique in the curriculum focuses on making health science students conversant with concepts that are applicable in real-life. The learning approaches in college are not uniform and, therefore, there are disparities in terms of the quality of students who are released to the health care professions. The campus, course instructors, and the students themselves should engage in continuous interactions to aid in improving the learning experience and quality of skills the students transfer to the health care facilities. Q2. Should health-science in Sacramento State Campus be limited to the study of sciencespecific topics? A: NO. I support the suggestion that the Sacramento State Campus should incorporate topics other that the science-specific ones because the health care field requires the input and skills from a broad perspective. Q3. What justifications would support the answers to the previous question? A: The health care industry has evolved over the years and there are more demands from the health care professionals today compared to decades ago. The successful provision of health care services in the current health care environment requires more skills and input that the health science topics alone cannot equip the students with these necessary skills. The roles performed by health care professionals today requires myriad skills which are not entirely covered in health science topics. For instance, the current health care environment witnesses rapid change in technology and innovations coming up daily. The use of social media is big all over the world and health care professionals should not be left behind in using social media to better health services. Health science-specific topics alone may not be enough to enlighten the health education students about the changing technological environments and the most appropriate ways to adopt to changes. The learning approaches in health education should, therefore, be less rigid and incorporate other non-science topics to release wholesome professionals to the health care service industry. Q4. Do you think that topics that are not science-based have an impact on the professional activities of the student who studies health science? A: YES. The non-science-based topics impact the health education students’ professional activities and careers differently. The current health care service industry has experienced changes compared to previous years. The current health care industry requires health care professionals who have different skills other than providing treatment to patients. The nonscience-based topics educate students on various important skills like writing, effective communication, resource management, embracing technology, relating with colleagues, and adapting to change. These skills are important in all professional careers including the provision of health care services. Q5. How can writing-focused learning impact education of health science at Sacramento State Campus? A: The writing-focused learning in health science impacts students differently and aiding the learning and understanding. First, it helps the students to boost understanding of the various concepts being taught in health science courses. Second, it helps to boost the students’ writing and communication skills, which are very important in the successful administration of the right treatment to patients. Third, it helps to demystify the opinion that health science courses are difficult, and students get the confidence to learn and transfer the skills and knowledge in the health care profession. Q6. As a health science student at Sacramento State Campus did/do you find it cumbersome to study topics, other than science-based subjects? A: NO. I understand that the provision of health care services to the patients require an integration of skills and experiences that are obtained from various topics other than the sciencebased subjects. Human beings experience continuous changes in their environment and an effective health care plan must identify, embrace, and adapt to the continuous changes. Studying science-based subjects is not enough to understand the environment surrounding the provision of health care services. It is, therefore, not cumbersome for instructors to incorporate topics on current societal issues that are not covered in the science-based subjects. Participants-2 Q1. Do you think the Sacramento State Campus curriculum plays a significant role in affecting education in health sciences? YES. The curriculum in the campus significantly affects health science education. The knowledge and level of skills that the students acquire through the learning approaches determine the kind of health care professionals they become. The campus should, therefore, have a curriculum that is in touch with the real-life and enable students to translate the knowledge in health care profession. Q2. Should health-science in Sacramento State Campus be limited to the study of sciencespecific topics? NO. The campus should have both science-specific and non-science-specific topics to equip students with relevant skills required in health care profession. Science-specific topics are mainly practical about providing cure whereas non-science-specific topics provide skills required to work in the community and effectively interact with other people. Q3. What justifications would support the answers to the previous question? The science-specific topics mainly focus on the practices involved in giving care to the patients and administration of the most efficient cure approaches. Science topics alone will create good physicians with knowledge about treatment and little knowledge about interaction, communication, and maintaining good relations with other people. Q4. Do you think that topics that are not science-based have an impact on the professional activities of the student who studies health science? Yes. Non-science-based topics enlighten students on other aspects of the health care profession. Provision of the best medication and treatment plans are not enough to realize successful treatments, and non-science-based topics equip health care professionals with other skills that ensure they adapt to the working environment and deal with patients uniquely depending on their personal needs. Q5. How can writing-focused learning impact education of health science at Sacramento State Campus? Writing-focused learning in Sacramento State Campus health education impacts learning in the following ways: • Encourages increased enrollment in health science courses in the campus. • Boost students’ understanding of various concepts in health science courses. • Enable students to transfer the book knowledge to practical situations in health care profession. Q6. As a health science student at Sacramento State Campus did/do you find it cumbersome to study topics, other than science-based subjects? Yes. As a student at Sacramento State Campus, I find it cumbersome to study non-science topics because I believe that science-topics are specific and provide all the relevant knowledge for the health care profession. It is, however, up to the instructors to convince me why the non-science topics are necessary through dialogs and interactions to positively influence my attitude towards non-science topics. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The development of students' literacy in the context of Health Science studies using appropriate instructional and curricular features is an emerging issue that should be held in high regards. The undergraduate students' literacy and writing are crucial issues especially in the field of Science because they enable students to acquire relevant knowledge to refine their understanding and communication. This review appreciates that the undergraduate writing in health science studies is an area that requires the attention of college instructors because ideal students must communicate, interpret, and understand the various concepts to translate their knowledge in the healthcare field. This review addresses the problem of inadequate literacy and writing knowledge among health studies’ students and the importance of including instructional and curricular features to improve writing among undergraduate students. The incorporation of proper writing techniques among undergraduate students gives them the knowledge and skills to interpret various concepts. This review focuses on health science because the studies require comprehension and adequate understanding of different science concepts that are applicable in life after college. The undergraduate writing in the field of science, as supported by various scholars, is essential because it enhances understanding of critical science concepts. The importance of undergraduate writing is emphasized and understood better through the review of three secondary sources by various scholars in the field of health science education. The three peer-reviewed articles illustrate the importance of writing programs in colleges and the research findings affirm that the introduction of writing programs among health science undergraduates helps the students. Scholar’s Claims The three secondary research sources have different claims that have similar outcomes relating to health education students' learning experience and outcome of the learning programs. The secondary sources' claims regarding science writing-focused learning approaches are categorized into three themes. The first theme involves the learning approaches equipping health education students with expert communication skills and confidence to tackle the various concepts and demystify the complications of grasping science concepts. The second theme involves outlining that the introduction of writing-focused learning in health education helps to engage the students and improve their understanding of the health education concepts to apply outside class activities. The final theme involves addressing the benefits of the science writing approach in health education learning that makes students competitive and competent for the global healthcare society. Theme one: Equip Students with Learning Skills According to Grzyb, K., Snyder, W., & Field, K. (2018), emphasizing science-specific writing and disciplinary course content with health studies students in mind helps to boost their understanding. The health science students that are exposed to science-specific writing tools obtain the relevant communication skills and knowledge that grant them the confidence to grasp the important concepts of health science studies and translate them in the healthcare field. The improvement of health education students’ understanding, knowledge, and skills through sciencespecific learning approach helps to build wholesome graduates that are suitable for the healthcare field. In support of this claim Krajcik, J., & Sutherland, L. (2010), opine that writing-focus learning among health studies college students creates an opportunity for the students to boost their understanding of the science concepts. The health science studies require keen attention to grasp the concepts, and the introduction of science-specific writing helps to address the comprehension challenges that involve science courses which make students view the field as complicated. The writing-focused learning incorporated in health education helps to demystify that the health sciences are complex and allow the students to gain an understanding of the concepts beyond the class exercises and relay in post-graduation activities. Theme Two: Engaging Students Boosts Understanding According to Krajcik, J., & Sutherland, L. (2010), the introduction of tools like writers’ workshops for students and engaging them in writing-focused learning helps to improve their understanding. The implementation of writers' workshops for health science students helps to enhance their learning experience and understanding the key concepts in the field of science. The campus students require an engaging learning experience to create a positive environment to embrace science concepts which are conventionally viewed as complicated and difficult to understand. The engagement of the science education students in the learning process through accommodative writing approaches helps boost their comprehension and eliminate the negative attitudes associated with the studies and encourage the undergraduates to embrace health science studies. In alignment to this view are Grzyb, K., & Co. opine that the involvement of sciencespecific learning for the health science students grants them a sense of confidence to embrace concepts that would have otherwise been a challenge to them. The inclusion of efficient writing tools eliminates the fears that make the uptake of courses in the science field and the graduates from the course productive in the healthcare field. The introduction of writing approaches in health education equip students with skills that improve the learning experience and the development of knowledge that is applicable in the healthcare field. Theme Three: Equipping Students for Global Health In line with the support for science-specific writing for health science students, Morabito, N. (2017), opines that reading, writing, and oral communication are critical practices in the academic life of college students because it helps them to blend in the global society effectively. The college students in health science studies need to be equipped with the skills to become global individuals because health services are global and ideal healthcare providers should be able to offer services globally. The creation of an engaging learning environment coupled with science-specific writings helps the students to explore and use their science ideas in the learning process. As supported by Krajcik, J., & Sutherland, L. (2010), writing-focused learning for science students helps to boost their understanding because they are exposed to real-life situations and tools that equip them with skills and confidence to handle various science concepts. The health science is global, and the undergraduates require the skills to fit in the global space which are obtained through the implementation of writing-focused science tools such as writers’ workshops, science-specific writing, and engaging learners during health science education. Conclusion The introduction of science-specific writing and writing-focused learning in health science education is critical because it improved the students' learning process and understanding of various concepts. The courses in the field of science on campus are considered difficult, and few students show interests in taking them up. The implementation and use of various learning tools such as writers' workshops and engaging writing and learning programs can improve the students' understanding and increase students' interests in taking academic courses in health education and others in the science field. Reference Grzyb, K., Snyder, W., & Field, K. (2018). Learning to Write Like a Scientist: A Writing-Intensive Course for Microbiology/Health Science Students †. Journal Of Microbiology & Biology Education, 19(1). doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v19i1.1338 Krajcik, J., & Sutherland, L. (2010). Supporting Students in Developing Literacy in Science. Science, 328(5977), 456-459. doi: 10.1126/science.1182593 Morabito, N. (2017). Science in Writing Workshop: Enhancing Students’ Science and Literacy Learning. The Reading Teacher, 70(4), 469-472. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1506
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