Survey Question

User Generated


Health Medical


Surveys are one of the most frequently used instruments to collect data and help to answer research questions. However, developing surveys is an art—it is a lot harder than it looks because each question must have a purpose to help you answer your research question.

Remember that any unnecessary question costs not only time, but money as well, because valuable resources are being utilized to collect, input, clean, and analyze data that has no benefit to the study.

Prompt: Create a survey that contains least five questions that may be employed in your research.

The survey must be specific to your public health issue and research question.

Construct at least one question that uses a Likert Scale for the response.

Be sure to include:

 Your public health issue

 The research question

 The type of survey (phone, web, person-to-person)

 Who will administer it

 A statement regarding what measures you will take for those who cannot read, are blind, or cannot read or speak the language (used for the survey)

Ensure that all close-ended questions have response categories.

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You may create your survey using either an online tool or within a Word document. If you create it within an online tool, such as SurveyMonkey, you must submit a Word document containing the link to the survey, as well as the description of the survey.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Public Health Issue Survey




The Public Health Issue
The public health issue that is being evaluated in this case is the opioid addiction. In 2015,
approximately 35% of the adult population used prescription pain relievers. Currently, individuals
within the ages of 25 and 44 have the highest increase in the number of drug overdose deaths with
the majority being males. The fact that opioids reduce pain significantly has been the main reason
for increased overdose. Thus, there is a need to develop a more comprehensive understanding of
key strategies that are being implemented and provide a critical understanding of essential
elements that define a better understanding of public health.
The Research Gap
The increasing rate of opioid addiction prevalence means that the processes and policies
that have been put in place are not providing a strong influence on the underlying concern.
Therefore understanding the processes that ha...

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