Final Portfolio Project

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Business Finance


The Final Portfolio Project for this course is a 5-page academic research paper. For this assignment, create a KM program for your organization or an organization of your choice from the Internet. The KM program must demonstrate a synthesis of the concepts covered throughout the entire course.

In this project, you will describe how you would transform an actual organization into a more knowledge-based organization. If you are an actual employee in an organization, then you will likely want to select that organization as the target environment for your project. If you are not employed, you may choose any organization with which you are familiar. This can include an organization of which you are a member or volunteer.

Please note
: You will need to write a "prospective" report that describes how you would go about designing a KM system for such an organization if you were given the opportunity. Your report should address the Knowledge Life Cycle and the four pillars of KM.

Incorporate the following points into your report:

  1. Describe how you will change the organization to be more aligned with what you believe are the top three principles from second-generation KM.
  2. Propose how you will change the organization to encourage knowledge processing and improve the quality of knowledge in the organization.

Use APA format to cite sources and write your paper.

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1 PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL Individual Final Portfolio Proposal Yatavia Summers Busi-3007 November 12, 2018 Professor Sandra White PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL 2 Portfolio Proposal The organization used as the basis of this project is Motawi Tileworks Company founded by Nawal Motawi. The company makes art tiles for sale to construction companies and retailers. Their tiles are well known all over the united states for their unique American designs, derived from Artworks and Crafts Movement. The tiles include the art of subjects from nature, architecture, and relief. About the company The company has 33 employees among them being prominent the artists and designers. The company has adopted artworks of great artists like Charley Harper, Frank Lloyd Wright and Dard Hunter. Most of the tiles are styled in low-relief sculpture with single glaze color, Polychrome or several colors separated by a ridge of clay. The company has a team of passionate men and women determined to make great tiles and spread positivity by sharing their experience. About 30 workers complement the company making tiles and selling them to over 300 stores across the America. They have the knowledge Production thinking of Toyota to cultivate positivity and high quality tile. Discussing KM activities with the company personnel The importance of knowledge management on organizations personnel is important in that it equips them with strategies to handle data warehousing, document management, groupware, imaging as well as data mining techniques. This company needs to venture more on knowledge management and every personnel needs to be included in this enlightening. I would PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL 3 chose to discuss the KM activities with the company personnel rather than observing them as an individual. Motawi tileworks conducts value-chain analysis for their products by monitoring every step in production to identify ways to increase the value of their final product and how effective the chain is. This is a process that requires the knowledge management techniques to facilitate smooth production. Their tiles are known to be the most attractive tiles with a strong feel of the natural setting of the environmental features and they are unique from all other tiles in the market. The wake of KM activity enlightening will help provide maximum value using the least possible cost and get a competitive advantage over other firms. Areas in the company that need to be redesigned For this organizational, employees engage in activities that are based on the knowledge life cycle model. Knowledge processing revolves around Knowledge Integration and production as the major areas. There are various areas in the company that needs to be redesigned to align and support knowledge processing. These areas include; Company production Strategies: Their tiles are well known all over the united states for their unique American designs, derived from Artworks and Crafts Movement. The tiles include art of subjects from nature, architecture and. The company has a total of 33 employees among them being prominent the artists and designers. The company has adopted artworks of great artists like Charley Harper, Frank Lloyd Wright and Dard Hunter. Most of the tiles are styled in low-relief sculpture with single glaze color, Polychrome or several colors separated by a ridge of clay. By making their tiles unique from the others, they add value to their products. Redesigning the company’s production to align with knowledge processing techniques will help improve the volume and quality of production. PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL 4 Company’s raw material Acquisition KM knowledge is needed in the acquisition process of the company. This involves getting the raw materials which are mostly clay, colors and other related materials. Designers and artists are needed to come up with styles and patterns of the tiles. The company has made efforts to acquire artists like Charley Harper to help in design as a way of adding value to their products. Materials are acquired from leading companies that provide raw materials as well as from nature. Due to the unique look of their tiles, the company has attracted many new customers who have a sense of nature and art. Customers who have seen the attractive tiles and those who admire art in different patterns always prefer changing their tiles and using the Motawi tiles. This has made them get many new customers who later become loyal customers. Construction companies following their client’s instructions are compelled to source their products from the company due to their unique nature. Company’s Customer retention value Customer retention involves the activities the company takes to maintain their customer and avoid defections. The main goal of motawi Tileworks Company is to retain their customers through retention programs since most of their customers are huge construction companies that require huge volumes of their products. The company makes this possible through customer loyalty and value loyalty initiatives. Since customer retention is cheaper than acquisition, the company focuses on retaining their existing customers in order to increase their return on capital. Customer retention helps increase loyalty and value of customers. They use advertising method as a way of retaining their existing customers to achieve this. Value PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL 5 addition just involves making a company’s product unique from what the market offers. If the company comes up with more ideas of making more unique patterns on their tiles and also making more different texture of their tile, this could offer a wide variety of value to their customers. The organizational capacity in production is more valuable than its intellectual capital. Three second-generation concepts that will be the focus of this project. • The Knowledge Life Cycle The inclusion of knowledge management techniques will maintain that the company places the necessary emphasis on knowledge production. This concept will help the employees, as well as the management, stay aligned with the knowledge development ideology. • Sustainable Innovation According to McElroy 2001, “organizational capacity in production is more valuable than its intellectual capital.” There is, however, one thing that is more valuable in an organization than the social innovation capacity, that is the social innovate sustainably capacity. This is what this company needs. • The Open Enterprise Any business to business organization thrives on the pillars of the social system. KLC and knowledge processing are also based on the social system with an invariably political dimension. The open enterprise concept will help create a healthy environment with partners and competitors as well as help keep the management informed of the market trends and forces. PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL Conclusions: The importance of knowledge management on an organizations is important in that it equips them with strategies to handle data warehousing, document management, groupware, imaging as well as data mining techniques. This forms a crucial part in determining the growth and success of the business. Knowledge management on value addition strategy provides business with a competitive advantage which helps them make more sales as compared to other firms. Today many businesses specialize just in knowledge management for value addition, 6 PORTFOLIO PROPOSAL References Mark W. (2002). New Knowledge Management: Complexity, Learning, and Sustainable Innovation 7
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Final Portfolio Project: Knowledge Management

Final Portfolio Project: Knowledge Management



Final Portfolio Project: Knowledge Management


Final Portfolio Project: Knowledge Management
It is crucial to know that knowledge is now seen as the new strategic imperative of
entities. That knowledge is power is the most recognized paradigm. The perspective that
knowledge is power implies that those who can access the information more effectively and
utilize it efficiently will have a competitive edge in their respective spheres of operation. One of
the vital aspects is that knowledge must be managed appropriately and shared in a way that will
allow it to grow. It is widely known that the organization that cultivates an efficient sharing of
knowledge among its management and workers will be more competitive. Therefore, knowledge
processing and sharing are at the core of knowledge management. This paper presents a
knowledge management program for Motawi Tileworks Company. It describes how the
company will be transformed into a more knowledge-based organization by addressing the
Knowledge Life Cycle and the four pillars of knowledge management and how the organization
will be aligned to the top three principles from second-generation knowledge management. The
paper also proposes the changes in the organization that will encourage knowledge processing
and improves the quality of knowledge in the organization.
A Shift Towards a more Knowledge-based Organization
Knowledge may be considered to be one of the most critical assets of any given entity but
few of them can meaningfully utilize it. Knowledge management may be described as the
process through which an organization creates value from their intellectual and knowledge
assets. In essence, knowledge management is focused on the process of identifying, obtaining,
dispensing and maintaining knowledge that is important to the entity. A knowledge-based view

Final Portfolio Project: Knowledge Management


postulates that an entity’s undertaking by tangible resources is dependent on how it combines
and applies the resources based on the way the available knowledge is utilized to produce a
sustainable competitive advantage. Transforming Motawi Tileworks Company int...

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