Ergonomics lab report

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Please read the attached slides and write a report on it.

The topic is Laundry operations.

The instructions of the report is in the last slides, number of pages doesn’t matter as long as all parts of instructions are covered

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Laboratory Objectives & Procedures Objectives • Analyze laundry operation and determine: ∘ The TLV for lifting ∘ Areas of improvement with regard to manual material handling • Use ergonomic principles to recommend changes to reduce or eliminate exposures to risk factors. Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe tasks and state variables evaluated and assumptions applied State the methods used, assumptions, and results of evaluation. Interpret the results Make at least one recommendation to improve each task found above the recommended exposure limit and for any general task improvements. 1 Guidelines for Recommendations A. Distance from midpoint between inner ankle bones and the load B. Lifting tasks should not be started at a horizontal reach distance more than 80 cm (32 in.) to the midpoint between the inner ankle bones (see Figure 14.1 Vertical & Horizontal lifting zones) C. Routine lifting tasks should not be conducted from starting heights greater than 30 cm (12 in.) above the shoulder or more than 180 cm above floor level (see Figure 14.1 Vertical & Horizontal lifting zones) D. Routine lifting tasks should not be performed for table entries marked “No known safe limit for repetitive lifting.” While the available evidence does not permit identification of safe weight limits in the shaded regions, professional judgment may be used to determine if infrequent lifts of light weights may be safe C. Anatomical landmark for knuckle height assumes the worker is standing erect with arms hanging at the sides (see Figure 14.1 Vertical & Horizontal lifting zones) 2 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACCGIH) for Lifting Example Scenario A worker unloads five delivery trucks a day; each truck has approximately 50 packages. • It takes the worker 1 h to unload each truck. The duration of the exposure is 5 trucks × 1 h = 5 h • The frequency of lifting is 50 packages × 5 trucks = 250 packages in 5 h. • 250 packages∕5 h = 50 lift hours (lifts/hr) For this scenario, 5 h/day, 50 lifts/h…. Chart for TLV for high frequency and duration lifting tasks is chosen 3 Laundry Evaluation Overview 4 Pre-treatment Area for Dry Cleaning - Overview Pre-treatment for Dry-cleaned Clothing • Duration = 8hrs • Weight = 20lbs/load • Frequency = 96 loads in 8hrs Question: How many loads does David pre-treat per hour (i.e., lifts/hour)? Assume he is moving each 20lb load once. 5 Pre-treatment Area for Dry Cleaning Pre-treatment for Dry-cleaned Clothing Question: What recommendation(s) would you make based on your knowledge of this task? 6 Pre-treatment Laundry is Washed 7 Laundry is Transported Throughout the Facility Laundry Transport Question: What recommendation(s) would you make based on your knowledge of this task? 8 Laundry is Sorted Laundry Sorting • What is the duration of Michael’s task? • How would you describe a sorting task? Question: Can you determine the total number of lifts (i.e., frequency) for Michael’s sorting task? Why or why not? 9 Laundry is Sorted, cont’d Laundry Sorting Question: What recommendation(s) would you make with the information you have? 10 Clothing Pressed Clothing Pressed Question: What recommendation(s) would you make with the information you have? 11 Clothing Pressed, cont’d 12 Clothing Pressed, cont’d Clothing Pressed Over head lifts • Assume duration is 8hrs • Weight = 8 lbs per load • What is the frequency of over head lifting (in loads per hr)? • Question: What would you estimate the workers vertical & horizontal reach to be? • Question: According to the TLV, is this an acceptable task? Reaching for Iron and Pressing • Question: What would you recommend(s) be for these tasks? 13 14 15 16 17 Bulk Laundry Washed and Dried Bulk Laundry Washed and Dried Question: What recommendation(s) would you make with the information you have? 18 Bulk Laundry Transferred to Dryer 19 Bulk Laundry Exits Dryers Bulk Laundry Exits Dryers Question: What recommendation(s) would you make with the information you have? 20 Use the following template to complete the laboratory report which must be typed and printed. 1. Lab Title 2. Student’s Names 3. Introduction – Describe the basic concepts of this lab assignment in complete sentences 4. Purpose - Describe the key objectives of this lab in complete sentences 5. Materials – List the materials by name that you used to complete this lab 6. Procedure – Describe the procedure you used to make your assessment 7. Results & Recommendations – Describe the results of your analysis (including your observations) of each part of the laundry and dry cleaning process, and list your recommended improvements in complete sentences. Include assumptions made while you were analyzing each task and making your recommendations 8. Limitations on Data Collection or Potential Sources of Error 9. References (if any) 21
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Laundry Operations (Ergonomics lab)
Student’s Names



The concept of this lab experiment is to deliberate the evaluation of the laundry

operations. Where the laundry has been processed having 1.5 million lb annually as the total of
laundry having dry-cleaned of total 700 thousand. In Pre-treatment for Dry-cleaned Clothing,
which operates by David has a duration of 8 hours, 20lbs/loads of weights, and a frequency of 96
loads. For washing process, the process is manually handled through car which is 26 deep. In
transporting the laundry, the process is cart should be in 13-14 lbs. During the sorting process of
laundry which operates by Michael, the process he made is to run the dry-cleaning within 20-30
minutes of duration per day which should be done in 4 hours/day. Michael sorted 96 loads every
day and 20lbs to a load. Next processed is the clothing pressed having 8 hours of duration and
has weights of 8lbs per load and the next process is the bulk wash, followed by bulk laundry
transfer to a dryer and bulk laundry exits dryer process. In this report, we are going to record the
required loads that per employee or operators have made in pre-treat per hour.

The purpose of this lab is to evaluate and determine the TLV for lifting within the

laundry operations and the area of improvement when it comes to managing the materials at the
workstations with the application of ergonomics principles to imply the solutions of reducing the
risks factors.


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