Ethical Dilemma

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Ethics Essay

This is an essay quiz.Grammar, punctuation, and spelling counts.Please be sure to print clearly as to not avoid your paper being unpresentable. This is a timed essay so you will need to ensure you monitor your thoughts and as you build your outline and present your topic in a timely and orderly manner.


Review the Ethical Dilemma you have been assigned, once you have read the ethical dilemma, write your response to the ethical situation which you were provided and be sure you include the information below.You may refer to the Occupational therapy Code of Ethics as a Reference Document and should reference it throughout your answer as it applies.

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Ethics Essay This is an essay quiz.Grammar, punctuation, and spelling counts.Please be sure to print clearly as to not avoid your paper being unpresentable. This is a timed essay so you will need to ensure you monitor your thoughts and as you build your outline and present your topic in a timely and orderly manner. Directions: Review the Ethical Dilemma you have been assigned, once you have read the ethical dilemma, write your response to the ethical situation which you were provided and be sure you include the information below.You may refer to the Occupational therapy Code of Ethics as a Reference Document and should reference it throughout your answer as it applies. Include the following information: • Refer to The Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics and clarify what principle(s) are to be considered for the situation (5 points) • Discuss a minimum of 2 possible ways (5 points) to handle the situation. Discuss standards of conduct for each individual in the situation. o Consider the clinical, contextual, individual and personal preferences surrounding the situation when you formulate your answer. Be specific in: • HOW you would approach the individual (25 points) • WHEN you would respond to the situation (25 points) • WHAT would you say and what conversation might follow (25 points) • WHAT is unethical about the situation and why, be specific. (5 points) • WHAT Other pertinent details or comments would you include. (4 points) • Provide a closing paragraph. (5 points) Ethical Dilemma- You are seeing a pediatric patient who has made excellent progress in a private practice setting three times a week. The patient’s progress has begun to level off, and functional gains have been occurring more slowly. The patient’s parents have been paying for sessions out of pocket and have confided to you that this is a hardship, but the progress has been worth it. You feel that the patient could benefit from treatment twice a week, but your supervisor tells you to remain at three session weekly to keep revenue coming in.
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: ETHICS


Institution Affiliation

Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics
Occupational therapy code of ethics integrates myriad of crucial concepts that is freedom,
equality, honesty, dignity, justice, and altruism. This is the manner in which the qualities have
been broken down to enhance the desire to serve people that are the desire of client guiding
actions of an individual
Client-centered practice. It refers to the maintenance of a client-centered approach which
is the basis of occupational therapy that requires that practices are to be focused on client’s
wishes, abilities and needs concerning priorities, resources, and supports (DMin et al., 2010).
2 possible ways to handle the situation
The two possible ways to handle the dilemmatic situation is either to conform to the
demand of the supervisor or to live up to the principles of good practice and not c...

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