Week 3 Assignment

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Business Finance


About 3 pages; book: https://www.sendspace.com/file/4o38fm

Week 3 Assignment

After studying Week 2 Lecture, Chapters 4, 5, and solved problems at the end of the chapters, do the following exercises.

Chapter 4:

1. Critical Thinking exercises 4 and 5 page 166.

2. Problems 3, 6, and 7 page 167.

Chapter 5

4. Critical Thinking exercise 1 page 208.

5. Problems 3 and 7 page 209.

6. Answer the questions for the case "Outsourcing of Hospital Services" page 211

Submission instructions:

Submit the answers for the questions 1, 4 and 6 in a word document (all the answers in ONE document, do not include the questions in your answer sheet, just the answers) through theturnitin link (see instructions below). Submit the solution of the problems (questions 2 and 5) in an attached excel sheet thru "course message link".

Take quiz 3 in Assignment Link. Participate in the week 3 discussion board question.

Please, check carefully the originality of your submission. Cite external references to support your answers in both within the text and in the references part as mandated by APA style. The instructor will not accept more than 5% of materials from external sources in the content of the document; otherwise, your work will be considered invalid. If you have any question, contact your instructor.

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Explanation & Answer


Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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