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Case Studies

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Case studies.
Student Name
Institution Affiliation

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Case studies.
Case One.
Dunkin Donuts Prepared For Rapid Growth.
Since NDCP is a membership cooperative, the Dunkin franchises are both owners and
customers. Some advantages to that kind of ownership are the fact that it could be made
possible to utilize networking. That is through the application of this in networking to obtain
information concerning the items. Also, the lure partner could gain the benefit of the
application of big names in the promotion of the products they are producing. That could, in
turn, act on the development of the income obtained by the group. The disadvantage towards
this could be that the tactics to receive such partners could end up in disappointment. That
could be through the loss of finance by the group.
I think the communication and change management aspects were prominent in the
facilitation of openness concerning this project. With no correspondence, there starts to wind
up a differentiation between the administrators and the association. Associations decry this
because the conversation is about money by then; there will be no conversation. Huge
associations base on general money and barely talk about the laborers and their stresses.
Making so many changes to the organization may lead to the laborers coming in that
organization being unpractised, and that might result in closing up some things hence make the
organization incur some cost. To mitigate some of these risks, these organizations should not
eliminate the remarkable improvements. The reason for this is because rolling out these
numerous improvements could cause a pause in the organizational developments while some
similar challenges may still be in existence within the organization.

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CASE STUDIES 1 Case studies. Student Name Institution Affiliation CASE STUDIES 2 Case studies. Case One. Dunkin Donuts Prepared For Rapid Growth. Since NDCP is a membership cooperative, the Dunkin franchises are both owners and customers. Some advantages to that kind of ownership are the fact that it could be made possible to utilize networking. That is through the application of this in networking to obtain information concerning the items. Also, the lure partner could gain the benefit of the application of big names in the promotion of the products they are producing. That could, in turn, act on the development of the income obtained by the group. The disadvantage towards this could be that the tactics to receive such partners could end up in disappointment. That could be through the loss of finance by the group. I think the communication and change management aspects were promin ...
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