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Harvard University
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RC005 Research Proposal
Institutional Affiliation

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Challenges of Diversity in an ECD Setting
For the last few years, ECD classrooms have become extensively multicultural, and this has
added new challenges to ECD teachers. Initially, kids joining multicultural classrooms were
disadvantages as they needed to find the way to unfamiliar environment people and their
languages, this meant an added responsibility to the teachers as they had to take this kid through
the unfamiliar territory. Vandenbroeck (2015) asserts that, for teachers to succeed in this, they
required a specialized teaching technique, education, and practice. It is quite evident that teachers
who succeed in uniting their classrooms are better placed in boosting all kids' achievement and
reorganizing any negative impact that may be observed in multicultural classrooms in the earlier
period. The teachers need to understand each kid's unique experiences, ideas, weaknesses, and
strengths each child brings to the classroom. The diversity could be along the dimensions of race,
sex, color, socio-economic status, age, religious beliefs or any other different principles.
Teachers should be in a position to manage such classroom diversity, this diversity in most cases
are seen as obstacles to effective learning as they slow down the learning process (Hedefalk,
Almqvist & Östman,2015). However, research has proved that diversity indeed brings invaluable
benefits to teachers and children of all backgrounds as they bring a wealth of knowledge and
values that can change and develop the classroom.

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Running Head: RC005 RESEARCH PROPOSAL RC005 Research Proposal Institutional Affiliation Date 1 RC005 RESEARCH PROPOSAL 2 Challenges of Diversity in an ECD Setting Abstract For the last few years, ECD classrooms have become extensively multicultural, and this has added new challenges to ECD teachers. Initially, kids joining multicultural classrooms were disadvantages as they needed to find the way to unfamiliar environment people and their languages, this meant an added responsibility to the teachers as they had to take this kid through the unfamiliar territory. Vandenbroeck (2015) asserts that, for teachers to succeed in this, they required a specialized teaching technique, education, and practice. It is quite evident that teachers who succeed in uniting their classrooms are better placed in boosting all kids' achievement and reorganizing any negative impact that may be observed in multicultural classrooms in the earlier period. The teachers need to understand each kid's unique experiences, ideas, weaknesses, and strengths each child brings to the classroom. The diversity could be along the dimensions of race, sex, color, socio-economic status, age, religious beliefs or any other different principles. Teachers should be in a position to manage such classroom diversity, this diversity in most cases are seen as obstacles to effective learning as they slow down the learning process (Hedefalk, Almqvist & Östman,2015). However, research has proved that diversity indeed ...
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