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Zillow Business Analysis.

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Zillow Business Analysis

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Zillow Business Analysis
Vision and Mission
At Zillow, our vision is to be a leader in real estate and rental market place, a go-to-place
where all the needs for the owners, listing agents, and landlords are met.
Our mission is to develop a more interactive and friendly world by helping you find the
perfect place that you would dream of to live and thrive.
Business Description
Zillow is an online real estate and rental marketplace that offers a wide variety of search
tools to help buy and sell homes. We also provide all our users with real estate information down
to their immediate neighborhood connecting them with professionals to enable them to find the
perfect home. The company's purchase and listing are specially developed to provide the best
information that offers our consumers the inspiration, knowledge, and data to help them sell or
access rental listings. Zillow provides the perfect pool that brings together professionals and
consumers where the needs of the homeowners, listing agents, and landlords are met. As a
company, we guide all our customers and ensure that we assist them through the journey to
homeownership. As of the end of 2019, the company has 3200 employees working in the
headquarters and various offices across the country.
Zillow was founded in 2000, and we have our headquarters in Texas. At the moment, we
are ranked as the leading organization in real estate listings, best consumer solutions, and
interactive companies. The company has some of the best mobile real estate apps and several
applications across all the major platforms. It also boasts of a have a heavy presence online in all
major social media platforms where it engages its potential buyers using sophisticated and

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Running head: BUSINESS ANALYSIS 1 Zillow Business Analysis Name Institution Instructor Date BUSINESS ANALYSIS 2 Zillow Business Analysis Vision and Mission At Zillow, our vision is to be a leader in real estate and rental market place, a go-to-place where all the needs for the owners, listing agents, and landlords are met. Our mission is to develop a more interactive and friendly world by helping you find the perfect place that you would dream of to live and thrive. Business Description Zillow is an online real estate and rental marketplace that offers a wide variety of search tools to help buy and sell homes. We also provide all our users with real estate information down to their immediate neighborhood connecting them with professionals to enable them to find the perfect home. The company's purchase and listing are specially developed to provide the best information that offers our consumers the inspiration, knowledge, and data to help them sell or access rental listings. Zillow provides the perfect pool that brings together professionals and consumers where the needs of the homeowners, listing agents, and landlords are met. As a company, we guide all our customers and ensure that we assist them through the journey to homeownership. As of the end of 2019, the company has 3200 employees working in the headquarters and various offices across the country. Zillow was founded in 2000, and we have our headquarters in Texas. At the moment, we are ranked as the leading organi ...
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