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Examine Case Study An Asian American Woman With Bipolar Disorder

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Walden University
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Treatment Plan for a Woman with Bipolar Disorder

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Decision 1
In the first instance, the aim was to start treatment for the woman with bipolar disorder.
There are various drug options for treating the condition, but I chose to start with lithium 300mg
oral medication.
Reason for choosing the drug
The reason for my decision is that it is not reasonable to start with high doses of the same
medication since her condition is not that severe. Also, other drugs are progressive, and I want to
start with small daily doses. The other reason is that Lithium is the most used drug for treating
manic symptoms such as those of people with bipolar disorder. This is because the medication
helps reduce the severity of mania symptoms, among other benefits such as reduced suicide
ideation and prevention of future episodes, and this makes it the best option, especially for long-
term use (Szalay, 2015). Due to these reasons, they are highly recommended for the treatment of
bipolar disorder, irritation resulting from autism, and major depressive disorder, among other
psychiatric conditions.
Although many health professionals do not understand how the drug works, it acts on the
nervous system to stabilize one’s mood and promote effective communication of the nerve cells
allowing the patient to develop calm behavior, and mood.
Anticipated outcome
In this stage, the aim is to try the most common treatment option for the woman with
bipolar disorder. This will help determine her body’s reaction to the drug, and this will inform
our next move. By making this decision, I expect that there will be some changes within the next
few weeks, and the patient may start experiencing reduced maniac symptoms and stabilize her

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Running Head: BIPOLAR DISORDER 1 Treatment Plan for a Woman with Bipolar Disorder Name Institution BIPOLAR DISORDER 2 Decision 1 In the first instance, the aim was to start treatment for the woman with bipolar disorder. There are various drug options for treating the condition, but I chose to start with lithium 300mg oral medication. Reason for choosing the drug The reason for my decision is that it is not reasonable to start with high doses of the same medication since her condition is not that severe. Also, other drugs are progressive, and I want to start with small daily doses. The other reason is that Lithium is the most used drug for treating manic symptoms such as those of people with bipolar disorder. This is because the medication helps reduce the severity of mania symptoms, among other benefits such as reduced suicide ideation and prevention of future episodes, and this makes it the best option, especially for longterm use (Szalay, 2015). Due to these reasons, they are highly recommended for the treatment of bipolar disorder, irritation resulting from autism, and major depressive disorder, among other psychiatric conditions. Although many health professionals do not understand how the drug works, it acts on the nervous system to stabilize one’s mood and promote effective communication of the nerve cells allowing the patient to develop calm behavior, and mood. Anticipated outcome In this stage, the aim is to try the most common treatment option for the woman w ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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