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Time management 1. Plans 2. Productive study Productive study Sometimes it’s hard to focus on study. Your productivity and ability to concentrate will be improved if you get into good study habits. Avoid procrastination We often procrastinate because a task feels too overwhelming, boring or difficult. The best way to stop procrastinating is to break down a big task into manageable chunks. Focus on one small task and take action. For example, an essay requires you to do a series of steps: 1. Understand the question. 2. Brainstorm your ideas. 3. Look for reference material in the library catalogue, journal databases and Google Scholar. 4. Skim-read reference material (abstract, introduction, conclusion, headings). 5. Make an essay plan. 6. Read reference material in detail and take notes. 7. Write a first draft. 8. Write a second draft. 9. Edit and proofread. 10. Submit your essay. If any of these steps feel too big, break them down further. For example, step 3 above involves these mini-steps: a. Find out if there are any required or recommended readings for the assignment (and check your unit of study readings for relevant material). b. Brainstorm key search terms to enter into ...
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