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National Patient Safety Goal Npsg .edited

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Aspen University
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National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG)
The Joint Commission initiated the NPSG in 2009 with the central role of improving
the care of the patients by enabling the health organizations to solve the concerns of specific
realms in the hospitals that involve the safety of the patients. The program is evaluated, and
changes are made to it annually by the Joint Commission to make it better and more effective.
Some of the identified goals of the commission include infection prevention, mitigating
injuries during surgery, and maintaining overall patient safety (National patient safety goals,
n.d). The Patient Safety Advisory Group also works closely with the Joint Commission to
ensure that the changes are helpful. Professionals charged with the safety of the patients in
the organizations include pharmacists, risk managers, nurses, physicians, and other hospital
employees who are involved in patient care. These professionals have been empowered and
taught how to solve issues related to the safety of the patients.
Several interventions, such as identifying the patient in critical areas such as the
delivery of medication, blood transfusion, and phlebotomy, were identified (National patient
safety goals, n.d). Before delivering care to the patient involving these issues, the healthcare
professional must adequately identify the patient before caring for them. For instance, the use
of two IDs implemented by the commission in the health centers has shown to be beneficial
in helping to match the patients with care suitable for them correctly. Apart from protecting
the patient, it also improves the operational efficiency in the hospitals and reduces the costs
of care. Additionally, fewer medical errors have been reported.
The program has helped identify the new and emerging issues that revolve around the
safety of the patients and give advice and directions to the Joint Commission on how best
they can address the issues. The Center for Transforming Healthcare Project is used by the
Joint Commission to roll out the new changes by utilizing performance measures, surveys,
and Sentinel Event Alerts (Pulsara, n.d). Additionally, the Joint Commission determines the

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1 Student’s Name: School’s name: Course: Instructor’s Name: Date: 2 National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) The Joint Commission initiated the NPSG in 2009 with the central role of improving the care of the patients by enabling the health organizations to solve the concerns of specific realms in the hospitals that involve the safety of the patients. The program is evaluated, and changes are made to it annually by the Joint Commission to make it better and more effective. Some of the identified goals of the commission include infection prevention, mitigating injuries during surgery, and maintaining overall patient safety (National patient safety goals, n.d). The Patient Safety Advisory Group also works closely with the Joint Commission to ensure that the changes are helpful. Professionals charged with the safety of the patients in the organizations include pharmacists, risk managers, nurses, physicians, and other hospital employees who are involved in patient care. These professionals have been empowered and taught how to solve issues related to the safety of the patients. Several interventions, such as identifying the patient in critical areas such as the delivery of medicatio ...
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