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Lifestyle And Stress

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Lifestyle and Stress
Student’s Name

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Work-related stress
With the high demands and pressures arising from work, work-related stress
has become a common phenomenon among workers in various fields across the
globe. Johnson et al., (2015), defines stress as the response an individual’s exhibits
when faced with the pressures and demands of work that do not align with their
knowledge, capacity, challenging their ability to handle. Depending on a person,
Stress can be a motivator or a threat to one’s mental and physical health.
The contemporary work environment is making pressure at work
unavoidable. As such, stress has become a lifestyle problem affecting millions of
people across the world. There are several classifications of work-related stress,
which depend on the nature of the work, relations with others, and the working
environment. Thus, it can be classified as that from doing the actual job, such as
overwork. The other classification is stress from work relationships, which may
entail bullying, poor teamwork, or harassment. Finally, pressure from working
conditions, for example, patient deaths, shift work.
Different scholars have attempted to identify the magnitude of the stress
problem in the world. Hassard et al. (2018), assert that 83% of all US workers
suffer from work-related stress. Also, stress is a major cause of revenues to
individuals and organizations, as highlighted by US organizations losing $300

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Running head: LIFESTYLE AND STRESS Lifestyle and Stress Student’s Name University 1 LIFESTYLE AND STRESS 2 Work-related stress With the high demands and pressures arising from work, work-related stress has become a common phenomenon among workers in various fields across the globe. Johnson et al., (2015), defines stress as the response an individual’s exhibits when faced with the pressures and demands of work that do not align with their knowledge, capacity, challenging their ability to handle. Depending on a person, Stress can be a motivator or a threat to one’s mental and physical health. The contemporary work environment is making pressure at work unavoidable. As such, stress has become a lifestyle problem affecting millions of people across the world. There are several classifications of work-related stress, which depend on the nature of the work, relations with others, and the working environment. Thus, it can be classified as that from doing the actual job, such as overwork. The other classification is stress from work relationships, which may entail bullying, poor teamwork, or harassment. Finally, pressure from working conditions, for example, patient deaths, shift work. Different scholars have attempted to identify the magnitude of the stress problem in the world. Hassard et al. (2018), assert that 83% of all US workers suffer from work-related stress. Also, stress is a major cause of revenues to individuals and organizations, as highlighted by US organiza ...
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