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Financial Modeling

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Financial Modelling

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The financial modelling class has been insightful given that I have been able to gain
knowledge and understanding of a number of terms and concepts about financial modelling.
More importantly, besides the grasp of some of the fundamental concepts of financial modelling,
I have learned how various financial modelling concepts can be applied in the business world as
well as be simplified into real-life. Essentially, financial modelling is critical in making informed
business as well as financial decisions by using various modelling techniques and concepts. In
particular, this paper seeks to explore two Wall Street Journal articles by identifying 4 financial
modelling terms and concepts, and how those articles reinforce my understanding of the concepts
covered in class. The four financial modelling terms and concepts that will be discussed
alongside the articles are valuing a business, scenario analysis, cash flow modelling, and
financial performance.
Starting with the article, Why Wall Street Can’t Handle the Truth by Mike Mayo; Mr.
Mayo as a renowned banking analyst helps shed light on how financial modelling is ingrained in
the banking sector. Mayo asserts that financial analyst have the responsibility of accurately
informing the investors about the companiesfinancials (Mayo, 2011). Financial modelling
concepts that come to the fore in this article are valuing a business and scenario analysis.
Regarding scenario analysis, that entails the description of a scenario in details involving major
changes in business by specifying all variables, Mayo describes a scenario characterized by
excessive risk, more aggressive lending, outsized compensation for bankers, and how it affects
the financial performance of the banking sector. In terms of valuing a business, Mayo critics the
financial analysts of being mere cheerleaders of their superiors and failing to advise the investors
on the true state of their companies for them to make informed decisions (Mayo, 2011). They are
only concerned with maintaining the status quo and even better, painting a positive financial

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Running Head: FINANCIAL MODELLING 1 Financial Modelling Name Institution FINANCIAL MODELLING 2 The financial modelling class has been insightful given that I have been able to gain knowledge and understanding of a number of terms and concepts about financial modelling. More importantly, besides the grasp of some of the fundamental concepts of financial modelling, I have learned how various financial modelling concepts can be applied in the business world as well as be simplified into real-life. Essentially, financial modelling is critical in making informed business as well as financial decisions by using various modelling techniques and concepts. In particular, this paper seeks to explore two Wall Street Journal articles by identifying 4 financial modelling terms and concepts, and how those articles reinforce my understanding of the concepts covered in class. The four financial modelling terms and concepts that will be discussed alongside the articles are valuing a business, scenario analysis, cash flow modelling, and financial performance. Starting with the article, Why Wall Street Can’t Handle the Truth by Mike Mayo; Mr. Mayo as a renowned banking analyst helps shed light on how financial modelling is ingrained in the banking sector. Mayo asserts that financial analyst have the responsibility of accurately informing the investors about the companies’ financials (Mayo, 2011). Financial modelling concepts that come to the fore in this article are valuing a business ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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