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Egyptian Pyramids

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Hudson County Community College
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Egyptian Pyramids
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In contemporary society, most individuals associate Egypt with pyramids. Besides, the pyramids are
almost associated with being tombs of the great kings of Egypt called pharaohs. The number, size, and
location of the pyramids differed from one ruler to the other. The pyramids date back to four centuries
ago and are still standing strong, signifying the high levels of skills used in building them. The time taken
to construct a single pyramid was quite a lot and therefore required vast numbers of workers. Also, the
materials used were strong and durable. Limestone, granite, and sandstone were the major materials
used while finishing was done using materials like electrum. Transportation of the construction materials
was carried out by human loaders and via water transport. The pyramids held great importance to
Egyptian society. The most fundamental purpose being spiritual reasons. Until now, the pyramids remain
important to Egyptians economy and history. The skills, material, and architectural designs used in the
development of the pyramids have pushed scientists to consider Egypt as the home of early civilization.

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1 Running head: EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS Egyptian Pyramids Name: Institution: Course Code: 2 EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS ABSTRACT In contemporary society, most individuals associate Egypt with pyramids. Besides, the pyramids are almost associated with being tombs of the great kings of Egypt called pharaohs. The number, size, and location of the pyramids differed from one ruler to the other. The pyramids date back to four centuries ago and are still standing strong, signifying the high levels of skills used in building them. The time taken to construct a single pyramid was quite a lot and therefore required vast numbers of workers. Also, the materials used were strong and durable. Limestone, granite, and sandstone were the major materials used while finishing was done using materials like electrum. Transportation of the construction materials was carried out by human loaders and via water transport. The pyramids held great importance to Egyptian society. The most fundamental purpose being spiritual reasons. Until now, the pyramids remain important to Egyptians economy and history. The skills, material, and architectural designs used in the development of the pyramids have pushed scientists to consider Egypt as the home of early civilization. 3 EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS Introduction The Ancient Pyramids are, by far, the most common images associated with Egypt without any doubt. Among the pyramids, the Pyramid with a Sphinx, commonly known as the great pyramid is the most famous. Egypt boasts more ...
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