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Prokaryotic Vs Eukaryotic

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University of California - Irvine
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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
Antibiotics are useful for fighting bacteria but hey are no good for fighting fungus.
Antibiotics damage bacteria’s reproductive system and tears down its cell walls. Antibiotics
also hinder bacteria’s ability to make protein that they, so they eventually starve to death.
Antibiotics do not work for treating fungal cells because they are very different.
Fungal cells are similar to animal cells (including our own) since they are eukaryotes. This
means that they are living organisms that can be formed by one cell or can be multicellular.
Eukaryotes are divided into four categories:
1. Protists
2. Plants
3. Animals
4. Fungi
On the other hand, prokaryote organisms generally refer to bacterium since they only have
one cell. The term eukaryote refers to the living organism while the term eukaryotic refers
to an individual cell of the eukaryote.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have many similarities including:
Both have DNA.
Both have ribosomes which are in charge of making protein.
Both have cytoplasm which is the jelly like fluid.
Both cells are covered by a membrane known as plasma membrane which controls
what is absorbed or expelled by the cell. The purpose of the plasma membrane is to
maintain homeostasis.

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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells Antibiotics are useful for fighting bacteria but hey are no good for fighting fungus. Antibiotics damage bacteria’s reproductive system and tears down its cell walls. Antibiotics also hinder bacteria’s ability to make protein that they, so they eventually starve to death. Antibiotics do not work for treating fungal cells because they are very different. Fungal cells are similar to animal cells (including our own) since they are eukaryotes. This means that they are living organisms that can be formed by one cell or can be multicellular. Eukaryotes are divide ...
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