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Ashworth College
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Mini- Study for Statistics
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Mini- Study for Statistics
1. State your topic
Selected Topic: Suicidal Thoughts Rate for Health Care Personnel
The Selected statistical mini-study top will be based on the rate of suicidal ideation during the
infectious Coronavirus pandemic period.
2. Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement.
The topic will speculate professional health practitioners who have been on the line of duty
throughout the Covid-19 pandemic period to take care of the affected individuals. The
healthcare personnel has experienced a huge burden while trying to save the lives of people
suffering from Covid-19 disease. The health workers have experienced health risks by
contracting the virus while in the line of duty. Similarly, most health workers have been
burdened with stress, tiredness, depression, anxiety, and other psychological complications,
which have forced them to have suicidal thoughts. Most people have died during the
pandemic at the hands of the health practitioners while witnessing their last breath. All these
psychological and emotional discomforts have made the health workers take a step of taking
away their lives because of seeing patients unable to get emotional and mental support from
their relatives and friends. Therefore, they have perceived the world's reality beyond their
manageable effort. For that reason, they have developed the idea of suicide as the only
3. What question(s) will you ask in your survey to gather data on your claim?
Explain the rationale for each question.
The kind of questions will be based on the professionalism of health workers, age, and
Formulated Questions
i. Do you think it is right for a person to have suicidal thoughts? Yes or No

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1 Mini- Study for Statistics Student Name University Course Professor Name Date 2 Mini- Study for Statistics 1. State your topic Selected Topic: Suicidal Thoughts Rate for Health Care Personnel The Selected statistical mini-study top will be based on the rate of suicidal ideation during the infectious Coronavirus pandemic period. 2. Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement. The topic will speculate professional health practitioners who have been on the line of duty throughout the Covid-19 pandemic period to take care of the affected individuals. The healthcare personnel has experienced a huge burden while trying to save the lives of people suffering from Covid-19 disease. The health workers have experienced health risks by contracting the virus while in the line of duty. Similarly, most health workers have been burdened with stress, tiredness, depression, anxiety, and other psychological complications, which have forced them to have suicidal thoughts. Most people have died during the pandemic at the hands of the health practitioners while witnessing their last breath. All these psychological and emotional discomforts have made the health workers take a step of taking away their lives because of seeing patients unable to get emotional and mental support from their relatives and friends. Therefore, they have perceived the world's reality beyond their manageable effort. For that reason, they have developed the idea of suicide as the only option. 3. What q ...
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