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Anxiety Disorders

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Walden University
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Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
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Difference Between an Adjustment Disorder and Anxiety Disorder
Adjustment disorder occurs when a significant change occurs in an individual’s life.
Individuals respond to these variations in different ways. At times, the stress associated with those
changes causes significant behavioral or emotional changes affecting the normal functioning of an
individual. Where this happens, a person can develop an adjustment disorder, usually characterized
by a series of symptoms. They involve significant anxiety and usually develop within three months
after the change. With anxiety, adjustment disorder triggers worry, anxiety, irritability, and
nervousness likely to be related to a particular event (Casey, 2009). An example of an adjustment
disorder is suicidal thoughts resulting from traumatic events such as the death of a loved one. On
the other hand, anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder. It is associated with feelings of anxiety,
fear, or worry that are adequately strong to interfere with a person’s daily activities. Individuals
with anxiety disorders suffer from a wide range of situations and activities in life. In some cases,
anxiety arises from a particular situation facing a person, while in others, it arises from completely
nothing. An example of an anxiety disorder is a panic attack, which is a sudden feeling of intense
fear accompanied by severe physical reactions in the absence of any impending danger or cause.
Diagnostic Criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder
According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), the DSM-5 criteria for social anxiety
enable medical practitioners to determine if other underlying conditions are causing anxiety or
whether an individual suffers from social anxiety alongside other mental or physical health
disorders. It includes: persistent, intense anxiety or fear concerning a particular social condition as
one believes they may be humiliated, judged or embarrassed, avoiding anxiety-generating social
setups or coping with them withy intense anxiety or fear, anxiety that exceeds the proportion of

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1 Running head: TREATMENT OF ANXIETY DISORDERS Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Name: Institution: Course Code: 2 TREATMENT OF ANXIETY DISORDERS Difference Between an Adjustment Disorder and Anxiety Disorder Adjustment disorder occurs when a significant change occurs in an individual’s life. Individuals respond to these variations in different ways. At times, the stress associated with those changes causes significant behavioral or emotional changes affecting the normal functioning of an individual. Where this happens, a person can develop an adjustment disorder, usually characterized by a series of symptoms. They involve significant anxiety and usually develop within three months after the change. With anxiety, adjustment disorder triggers worry, anxiety, irritability, and nervousness likely to be related to a particular event (Casey, 2009). An example of an adjustment disorder is suicidal thoughts resulting from traumatic events such as the death of a loved one. On the other hand, anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder. It is associated with feelings of anxiety, fear, or worry that are adequately strong to interfere with a person’s daily activities. Individuals with an ...
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