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The Theme Of Dangerous Knowledge In Frankenstein

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The theme of dangerous knowledge in The Modern Prometheus
Mary Shelley, the Modern Prometheus, is a gothic masterpiece written in 1818. The
novel was composed in an era when the world was in a drastic change. During the period of the
industrial revolution, people were increasing and the desire to learn new things and earn more
gradually emerging. The novel is thus a clear reflection of the world industrial revolution. The
author appears to warn the people who were the pursuit of inventions and knowledge about the
consequences of their inventions (Mills 278). The theme of dangerous knowledge is advanced
through the novel when Frankenstein creates a monster that harms the community. The novel
serves as a warning to the people in the world that technological developments motivated by the
quest for knowledge could bring about the threat to human existence and future generations.
The novel, though composed many years ago it continues to remain relevant to modern
lifestyles. The novel was a form of prophecy in its time that continues to hound the environment
and the existence of human life. Since the onset of industrialization, people have continued to
seek new knowledge and inventing machines that threaten the survival of humans, among other
living and nonliving things. Our natural resources have been constrained, people a now
struggling from global warming, diseases, and pollution from factories, among other ethical

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issues as a result of technological advancements. I agree with the author that people have to
careful in their advancement in the search for knowledge.
The author uses monstrosity to explore the theme of dangerous knowledge. Considering
the title of the novel “the modern Prometheus”, Prometheus has a deep meaning and relevance
from the central theme in the novel. According to Greek ancient stories, the term Prometheus
represents human enlighten through stealing fire which was hidden from humans by god (Zeus)
(Mills 267). On stealing fire, humans became enlightened and civilised on learning how to cook
using fire. Thus the author gives the novel the title The Modern Prometheus to indicate how
people have been able to use fire to do good and bad things on earth. The fire has been used to
kill and at the same time, cook food. Frankenstein uses his knowledge to create a monster hoping
to create a human being and dies before he can kill the dangerous creature. (Shelley 55). The
monster appears ugly and brings about sadness on earth, killing many innocent people. People
can use knowledge to invent something that does harm to the world.
The main character’s passion for science motivates his desire to acquire more knowledge
and skill. The knowledge though good, turns out to be dangerous to him, his family, the
community and the world at large. I agree with the author that knowledge can be useful or
harmful to humanity. People should not be blinded by the quest for knowledge and science to
invent unreasonable creatures that do more harm than benefits to human existence. In the novel,
Frankenstein knowledge obsession leads to his death. People should not pursue knowledge to
heights beyond their control. The dangerous knowledge brings about regret and shame to
Frankenstein. Frankenstein cations Robert Walton, “learn from me … how dangerous is the
acquirement of knowledge(Shelley, 53). The statement indicates that Frankenstein is regretting

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date The theme of dangerous knowledge in The Modern Prometheus Mary Shelley, the Modern Prometheus, is a gothic masterpiece written in 1818. The novel was composed in an era when the world was in a drastic change. During the period of the industrial revolution, people were increasing and the desire to learn new things and earn more gradually emerging. The novel is thus a clear reflection of the world industrial revolution. The author appears to warn the people who were the pursuit of inventions and knowledge about the consequences of their inventions (Mills 278). The theme of dangerous knowledge is advanced through the novel when Frankenstein creates a monster that harms the community. The novel serves as a warning to the people in the world that technological developments motivated by the quest for knowledge could bring about the threat to human existence and future generations. The novel, though composed many years ago it continues to remain relevant to modern lifestyles. The novel was a form of prophecy in its time that continues to hound the environment and the existence of human life. Since the onset of industrialization, people have continued ...
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