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Eng1030 Week 4 Informative Speech

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Johnson and Wales University
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Manuscript for Speech

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Manuscript for Speech
What do Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have in common? Is it
their approach for speaking to people and encouraging them to strive for their goals and
objective or their effective use of their power and authority over the followers? People who are
familiar with the stories of these know that they were neither born into a royal family or inherited
the kingdoms of their parents. For example, Nelson Mandela grew up in a Soweto Town and was
imprisoned for 27years for protesting against apartheid. Also, management researchers and
scholars have provided theories and models that show that the greatest leaders are made and not
born. Let us begin with brief background information that should set the tone for this
My Name is Brittney Hoffman, an aspiring leader, researcher, and a second-year management
student at Johnson and Wales University. I will spend the next five minutes explaining the core
attributes of all successful past and current leaders that I discovered from my studies on
leadership. Also, my definition of leadership is the capacity to lead, inspire, and support groups
or teams to engage in activities or tasks that require the investment of their temporal, time, and
other resources and lead to the attainment of a vision. Similarly, people need to understand the
attributes of a good leader to help them identify and address some of the weaknesses that could
limit their successes at different stages of their personal and professional lives. Therefore, this
presentation will describe how leaders who are visionary, excellent communicators, and possess
integrity have succeeded in their efforts to lead their teams to success.
Vision is the fundamental attribute that leaders require to succeed because it enables them to
identify the unique solutions or changes that their organization, groups, or society need to solve
their problems. In their December 2012 article for the Oxford Handbook of Leadership, Zaccaro
Stephen of George Mason University, Kate La Port, and Irwin Jose of the Selection and
Assignment Research Unit of the Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social
Sciences, wrote that the leaders' vision is the major source of inspiration that follower needs to
follow them and invest their financial and temporal resources in the activities that lead to shared
outcomes. In this same regard, the leader's vision is the attribute that helps the group to preserve
during difficult times and remain steadfast on their path towards the envisioned solutions that are
promised to them. While Nelson Mandela and other African National Congress (ANC) leaders
were imprisoned for over two decades, black South Africans fought segregation and apartheid
until their nation was free. Mandela's prominence as one of the greatest leaders of the 21st-
century is due to his vision of a united nation that made him seek reconciliation instead of
revenge against the members of the apartheid regime during his presidency. Bill Gates’
investments in the global campaign against malaria are another example of how leaders are
visionary. As a result, a visionary leader has a greater potential to succeed than a non-visionary
Furthermore, the level of integrity that a leader possesses would determine his or her capacity to
inspire and motivate groups or teams to deliver the performance results that lead to success.
Integrity is the attribute that makes leaders express what they believe or their vision for their
organizations or societies and authenticity that reflected in their expression of their feelings and

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Running head: MANUSCRIPT FOR SPEECH Manuscript for Speech Name Institution 1 DIVERSITY ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Manuscript for Speech Introduction What do Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela have in common? Is it their approach for speaking to people and encouraging them to strive for their goals and objective or their effective use of their power and authority over the followers? People who are familiar with the stories of these know that they were neither born into a royal family or inherited the kingdoms of their parents. For example, Nelson Mandela grew up in a Soweto Town and was imprisoned for 27years for protesting against apartheid. Also, management researchers and scholars have provided theories and models that show that the greatest leaders are made and not born. Let us begin with brief background information that should set the tone for this presentation My Name is Brittney Hoffman, an aspiring leader, researcher, and a second-year management student at Johnson and Wales University. I will spend the next five minutes explaining the core attributes of all successful past and current leaders that I discovered from my studies on leadership. Also ...
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