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Checkpoint: DSM-IV Problems
Objective: Complete Appendix G.
Give an example of each of the following problems identified in your
readings and explain how these problems could negatively affect a
Content and Development
24 Points Possible
Some criteria used for reaching a
diagnosis cannot be observed directly.
6 6
Personality disorders can be similar to
each other.
6 6
People with different personalities can
be given the same diagnosis
6 6
Do you think that personality disorders
are true mental illnesses? Why or why
6 6
Readability and Style
2 Points Possible
Sentences are complete, clear
and concise.
2 2
4 Points Possible
Rules of grammar, usage and
punctuation are followed.
2 2
Spelling is correct. 2 2
Total Points 30 30
Submitted on
Date Due and Date
2/26/09 2/26/09 Yes! Full Credit
Adjusted Points 0
Nice job!
***This tutorial is to be used as a guide to show you an A+ example of this assignment. As this
is the original work of the tutor this should NOT be submitted as-is as your own original
1. Some criteria used for reaching a diagnosis cannot be observed directly.

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As mentioned in the textbook the problem lies in the fact that various criteria of various
disorders in not able to be observed directly by the therapist. In addition, each therapist is
likely to have differing opinion about the severity of the symptoms presented and expressed
by the patient. For example: “Ann” may express her trouble with maintaining healthy
relationships with others. Although she admits this the therapist must be able to have the
question of “why” answered as well. Ann may not be able to answer this question at all, or
without seeing herself as the victim. The therapist would be unable to observe Ann’s natural
interactions with other people so this then becomes an issue with accurate diagnosis.
2. Personality disorders can be similar to each other.
There are three clusters which comprise the 10 personality disorders. These clusters are
grouped by odd, dramatic, and anxious disorders. The problem that can arise, and ultimately
result in misdiagnosis, stems from the similar symptoms of these disorders especially
disorders in the same cluster.
For example: In analyzing two of the dramatic personality disorders, narcissistic and
histrionic, we see many similar prominent features between these two disorders. Both are
likely to have relationship troubles, be manipulative and controlling of other people, display
hostility, jealousy or extreme sensitivity with regard to his or her feelings, and suffer from
emotional instability. Both disorders also share a central feature of feelings of grandiosity.
The trouble then in accurate diagnosis can affect the success of treatment as the individual
with narcissistic personality disorder is likely to be less responsive to treatment. In the event
this individual were misdiagnosed as having histrionic personality disorder, which has higher
responsiveness to treatment, there may be some confusion about why the patient is not

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Checkpoint: DSM-IV Problems Objective: Complete Appendix G. Give an example of each of the following problems identified in your readings and explain how these problems could negatively affect a diagnosis. Content and Development 24 Points Possible Points Possible Points Earned Comments ? Some criteria used for reaching a diagnosis cannot be observed directly. ? 6 6 ? Personality disorders can be similar to each other. 6 ?6 ? People with different personalities can be given the same diagnosis 6 6 ? Do you think that personality disorders are true mental illnesses? Why or why not? 6 6 ? Readability and Style 2 Points Possible Points Possible Points Earned Comments Sentences are complete, clear and concise. 2 ?2 ? Mechanics 4 Points Possible Points Possible Points Earned Comments Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed. 2 ?2 ? Spelling is correct. 2 ?2 ? Total Points 30 30 ...
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