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Sam S Club Swot Analysis R01

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Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
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Sam’s Club SWOT Analysis
Institution Affiliation

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Sam's club is a subordinate group of Wal-Mart incorporate that is the world's largest
retail store. The existence of the club dates back to 1983, and it is a member-specific. The
headquarters of the Company is currently located in Arkansas in the United States of America.
Currently, the club runs more than five hundred membership warehouse clubs across the United
States (Ünver, 2019). Apart from America, the Company has infiltrated countries like China,
Brazil, and Mexico. The Company is associated with dealings in products such as toys, jewelry,
garden supplies, electronics, auto, and children's accessories and among other goods (Yang,
2019). The Company has been able to thrive in the face of stiff completion posed by rival
companies through critically analyzing and assessment of SWOT analysis. This paper will focus
on the internal strategic elements, which include strengths and weaknesses and external factors
such as opportunities and threats.
Strengths of Sam’s Club
Given that Sam's club is one of the leading enterprises in its industry, it has many
strengths that can assist it in succeeding in the market place. The first strength that the firm has is
a superb performance in the new market. The Company has created expertise in accessing new
markets and thriving in them. The entrance to the new markets has enabled the Company to
expand its operations hence form new streams of revenue and diversify the risk of the economic
cycle in the markets that it is operating (Yang, 2019). The second strength that the Company has
its ability to satisfy its customers adequately. This customer satisfaction has been improved
through the Company's department of customer relationship management. The department has
also enabled the Company to show an improvement in the Company's brand equity to potential

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Running head: SAM’S CLUB SWOT ANALYSIS Sam’s Club SWOT Analysis Institution Affiliation Date 1 SAM’S CLUB SWOT ANALYSIS 2 Introduction Sam's club is a subordinate group of Wal-Mart incorporate that is the world's largest retail store. The existence of the club dates back to 1983, and it is a member-specific. The headquarters of the Company is currently located in Arkansas in the United States of America. Currently, the club runs more than five hundred membership warehouse clubs across the United States (Ünver, 2019). Apart from America, the Company has infiltrated countries like China, Brazil, and Mexico. The Company is associated with dealings in products such as toys, jewelry, garden supplies, electronics, auto, and children's accessories and among other goods (Yang, 2019). The Company has been able to thrive in the face of stiff completion posed by rival companies through critically analyzing and assessment of SWOT analysis. This paper will focus on the internal strategic elements, which include strengths and weaknesses and external factors such as opportunities and threats. Strengths of Sam’s Club Given that Sam's club is one of the leading enterprises in its industry, it has many strengths that can assist it in succeeding in the market place. The first strength that the firm has is a superb performance in the new market. The Company has created expertise in accessing new markets and thriving in them. The entrance to the new markets has enabled the Compan ...
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