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Musics Final

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Surname 1
Name of the student,
Name of the professor,
Music genre
My name (write your name). Despite the flooding of many world music, my favourites
ones come from South Africa by the artist name Lucky Philip Dube. This artist has several
albums like “Born to Suffer”, “Prisoners”, “Remember me” and many others. Out of this music,
my favourite one is "born to suffer".
My favourite world music genre is reggae music. Reggae music is educative in nature
in areas like political, social and economic lessons from the ancient world. I discovered this
category of music during my secondary educations, and since that time, they remain to be
favourite selections. Among the many artists in the reggae industries, my favourites up to date
remain to be Lucky Dube, Burning Sphere and Philip Hill (Culture). Apart from reggae, I also
listen to Rocks as my alternatives.
From the many musical instruments, I have played drums and keyboard. For a period
of seven years now I have been playing them but mostly in church services. Any time our youth
comes up with new songs, we learn new tactics in order to make the song attractive.

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Surname 1 Name of the student, Name of the professor, Course Date Music genre My name (write your name). Despite the flooding of many world music, my favourites ones come from South Africa by the artist name Lucky Philip Dube. This artist has several albums like “Born to Suffer”, “Prisoners” ...
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