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Types Of Information Systems

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Types of Information Systems

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The corporate world is very competitive. Thus, managers and business owners must develop
strategies for ensuring that enterprises succeed in the long run. However, it becomes
extremely challenging for a start-up to achieve their objectives. Due to globalization,
technology is playing a crucial role in ensuring that businesses are competitive in
international markets. For instance, the use of technology helps in ensuring that enterprises
are efficient, and they lower the cost of production. Also, they have helped the management
in ensuring that it is easy for them to manage the enterprises. In this case, I will be analyzing
the types of information systems that can be used when starting a new business. In my
business, I have decided to use TPS, DSS, MIS, and EIS.
Describe the different types of information systems
The following are the major types of information systems:
Transaction processing systems (TPS). This is an approach that can be used in a startup
business to help in the record, which is vital for enterprises to carry out their business. Some
of the examples of the transactional processing systems include shipping records, payroll, and
sales order entry. Additionally, TPS is crucial when generating reports.
Decision support systems (DSS)
This is a system that can help the management in the business. The DSS entails complex data
analysis tools, which are essential in dealing with problem-specific decision making. Also,
DSS can use external sources of information to help managers to make vital decisions about
the future and assists in lowering risks (Burrough, McDonnell, McDonnell & Lloyd, 2015).
Executive information system (EIS)
The top officials in an organization use an executive information system. This is an approach
that senior managers can use without assistance from specialists. For instance, the EIS is

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Running head: TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Types of Information Systems Name Institution 1 TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 The corporate world is very competitive. Thus, managers and business owners must develop strategies for ensuring that enterprises succeed in the long run. However, it becomes extremely challenging for a start-up to achieve their objectives. Due to globalization, technology is playing a crucial role in ensuring that businesses are competitive in international markets. For instance, the use of technology helps in ensuring that enterprises are efficient, and they lower the cost of production. Also, they have helped the management in ensuring that it is easy for them to manage the enterprises. In this case, I will be analyzing the types of information systems that can be used when starting a new business. In my business, I have decided to use TPS, DSS, MIS, and EIS. Describe the different types of information systems The following are the major types of information systems: Transaction processing systems (TPS). This is an approach that can be used in a startup business to help in the record, which is vital for enterprises to carry out their business. Some of the examples of the transactional processing systems include shipping records, payroll, and sales order entry. Additionally, TPS is crucial when generating reports. Decision support systems (DSS) This is a system that can help the management in the business. The DSS entails complex data analysis tool ...
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