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Sony S Dilemma Matching Strategy And Structure

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California University of Management and Sciences
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Sony’s Dilemma, Matching Strategy and Structure”

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This paper is a critical analysis of the Sony Company. Specifically, the paper
discusses different aspects of the company as it adopts a new corporate strategy. The paper
has discussed the different capabilities of the Sony Company and the adjustments that it
needs to make to realize the objectives of the new corporate strategy. Among the adjustments
that Sony should make in order to realize the objectives of the new strategy is ensuring that
its business units are manned by high responsible and accountable managers. This will ensure
that the individual business units can become autonomous and operate without the
interference of the overall managers. Some of the Sony capabilities that will play a
significant role in the success of the new strategy include its diversity, global reach, and its

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1 Sony’s Dilemma, Matching Strategy and Structure” Name Institution Professor Course Date 2 Abstract This paper is a critical analysis of the Sony Company. Specifically, the paper discusses different aspects of the company as it adopts a new corporate strategy. The paper has discussed the different capabilities of the Sony Company and the adjustments that it needs to make to realize the objectives of the new corporate strategy. Among the adjustments that Sony should make in order to realize the objectives of the new strategy is ensuring that its business units are manned by high responsible and accountable managers. This will ensure that the individual business units can become autonomous and operate without the interference of the overall managers. Some of the Sony capabilities that will play a significant role in the success of the new strategy include its diversity, global reach, and its innovativeness. 3 1. To implement a corporate strategy, a firm needs to have a strong set of capabilities to “parent” the set of business units that the firm has established or acquired. Given Sony’s history and organization structure, what would you argue are Sony’s strongest parenting or corporate capabilities? How will the new strategy utilize these capabilities? Sony is one of the leading consumer electronics companies across the globe (Gershon & Kanayama, 2002). The company’s diversified business comprises of consumer and professional electronics, financial serv ...
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