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Portfolio Management

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Portfolio Management
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Portfolio Management
Portfolio management is the process of selecting, prioritizing, and controlling an
organization's programs and projects per its strategic goals and delivery capabilities. The
objective is to strike a balance between implementing change initiatives and keeping business as
usual while maximizing return on investment. Large companies executing multiple projects face
deciding what projects should have top priority (Kral, Valjaskova & Janoskova, 2019). The
portfolio manager has to decide on this crucial factor and advise the company on allocating.
Additionally, they also decide on the timeline of execution of these projects. Prioritizing the
company's needs is often vital, but budgetary constraints sometimes bypass this notion, allowing
precedence for other factors. This type of management exists as a coordinating structure to assist
deployment by assuring the appropriate prioritization of resources to line with strategic aim and
generate the most significant value (Kopmann, Kock & Gemunden, 2017). Projects and
programs point to the deployment of outputs, results, and benefits. To shape the portfolio, the
sponsor and portfolio manager seek visibility of the plans of the constituent projects and
programs, then agree on how to reshape those constituent parts based on one of two factors:
changes in strategic direction or pace of strategic implementation, and the organization's ability
to resource the entire portfolio. This paper outlines various criteria useful in allocating priority to
multiple projects for a power company. Unlike most portfolios, this one faces various conflicting
factors that need a proper organization to decide the most effective way of executing the projects.
Factors to Consider
The utility company has 51 projects to decide upon to execute effectively. These projects
help to fulfill various mandatory factors for the company's functionality. All elements set aside,
the company has a budget of $6.75 billion and an $8 billion project portfolio. Therefore, the

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1 Portfolio Management Students Name Course Institution Details Professor Date 2 Portfolio Management Portfolio management is the process of selecting, prioritizing, and controlling an organization's programs and projects per its strategic goals and delivery capabilities. The objective is to strike a balance between implementing change initiatives and keeping business as usual while maximizing return on investment. Large companies executing multiple projects face deciding what projects should have top priority (Kral, Valjaskova & Janoskova, 2019). The portfolio manager has to decide on this crucial factor and advise the company on allocating. Additionally, they also decide on the timeline of execution of these projects. Prioritizing the company's needs is often vital, but budgetary constraints sometimes bypass this notion, allowing precedence for other factors. This type of management exists as a coordinating structure to assist deployment by assuring the appropriate prioritization of resources to line with strategic aim and generate the most significant value (Kopmann, Kock & Gemunden, 2017). Projects and programs point to the deployment of outputs, results, and benefits. To shape the portfolio, the sponsor and portfolio manager seek visibility of the plans of the constituent projects and programs, then agree on how to reshape those constituent parts based on one of two factors: changes in strategic direction or pace of strategic implementation, and the organization's ab ...
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