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Information Systems1

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Grantham University
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Management of Information Systems
[Name of the student]
[Due date]

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Week 1 Computer Hardware
Computer hardware refers to computers' physical elements. The elements can also be
referred to as computer machinery or the equipment of the computer. They include components
such as motherboard, keyboard, mouse, the processing unit, among others. Hardware types that
have always taken for granted are the processing unit, random access memory, and the mouse.
Have always disregard these components overall functioning, but this perception has changed
since knowing their significant (Hwaitat, 2018). For instance, the processors are tasked with
performing various computations within a short while. Memory allows the user to access the
information with ease while the mouse makes it easier to navigate and perform multiple
functions within the computer.
Week 2 Moore’s Law
Moore's law, in a simplified form, highlights that the overall processing power of the
computers doubles every a couple of years. The law has been around since 1970 and has been
instrumental to companies such as google (Holt, 2016). Precisely, it helps google in the
development of wearable technologies with high proficiency in computing. For instance,
smartphone watches. Other technologies that have been developed under the law include heart
rate monitors. With the technological advancements, perhaps in the next eighteen months, we
will have technologies that help the mother monitor the status of their fetus right at the palm of
their hands. This will likely improve the mortality rate as the mother will be able to respond to
any abnormalities as soon as they are detected.
Week 3 Fiber Optic & Broadband
Fiber optics boasts a number of advantages over the traditional cabling. However, this is
achieved amid its fair share of disadvantages. In terms of cost, fiber optic cable initial cost is

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Running head: MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Management of Information Systems [Name of the student] [Due date] 1 MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2 Week 1 Computer Hardware Computer hardware refers to computers' physical elements. The elements can also be referred to as computer machinery or the equipment of the computer. They include components such as motherboard, keyboard, mouse, the processing unit, among others. Hardware types that have always taken for granted are the processing unit, random access memory, and the mouse. Have always disregard these components overall functioning, but this perception has changed since knowing their significant (Hwaitat, 2018). For instance, the processors are tasked with performing various computations within a short while. Memory allows the user to access the information with ease while the mouse makes it easier to navigate and perform multiple functions within the computer. Week 2 Moore’s Law Moore's law, in a simplified form, highlights that the overall processing power of the computers doubles every a couple of years. The law has been around since 1970 and has been instrumental to companies such as google (Holt, 2016). Precisely, it helps google in the development of wearable technologies with high proficiency in computing. For instance, smartphone watches. Other technologies that have been developed under the law include heart rate monitors. With the technological advancements, perhaps in the next eighteen months, we wi ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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