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Essay Question Response

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Essay Question Response
Question 5; Donatus's three-part structure
The protasis is the part of the play that introduces the play and is usually the first act. In
this play, Medea, it is the part where we are introduced to the fact that Medea’s husband is
married to someone else, and Medea and her sons get banished. This part is also an introduction
to Medea’s plot of taking revenge on her husband. The epitasis gets defined as the action that is
major in the play in which the tribulations and trials faced by the main character are on the rise
as they build towards a denouement and climax. In this play, the part gets represented, beginning
with the death of Creon and her father brought about by the cursed rob that Medea used to take
vengeance on Jason. However, Medea struggles with her instincts as a mother when planning the
murder of the boys but still kills them as to her; revenge was the most important thing. This gets
shown in the quote, “Leader: But, my lady, to kill your own two sons […]?
Medea: It is the supreme way to hurt my husband.” The third part of the structure is the
catastrophe, which is the final resolution of the plot of the poem in which the intrigue gets
unraveled, marking the close of the play. This part of the structure applies to this play in the
sense that it ends with the death of their sons as Medea leaves with them denying Jason the right
to bury them. Thus, the three-part structure by Donatus is quite clear in the play.
Question 6: application of Freytag's five-part plotting "pyramid."
Euripides, in the play Medea, employs the structure by Freytag in the following ways.
The exposition gets applied when he introduces the main characters, Jason and Medea. He also
shows their character morally through the portrayal of Medea as vengeful and Jason leaving his
wife and marrying someone else. The rising action gets brought out when the conflict is
established, the events that led to the death of Creon and her father that were intentionally caused

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Running head: ESSAY QUESTION RESPONSE Essay Question Response Name Course Tutor Date 1 Running head: ESSAY QUESTION RESPONSE 2 Essay Question Response Question 5; Donatus's three-part structure The protasis is the part of the play that introduces the play and is usually the first act. In this play, Medea, it is the part where we are introduced to the fact that Medea’s husband is married to someone else, and Medea and her sons get banished. This part is also an introduction to Medea’s plot of taking revenge on her husband. The epitasis gets defined as the action that is major in the play in which the tribulations and trials faced by the main character are on the rise as they build towards a denouement and climax. In this play, the part gets represented, beginning with the death of Creon and her father brought about by the cursed rob that Medea used to take vengeance on Jason. However, Medea struggles with her instincts as a mother when planning the murder of the boys but still kills them as to her; revenge was the most important thing. This gets shown in the quote, “Leader: But, my lady, to kill your own two sons […]? Medea: It is the supreme way to hurt my husband.” ...
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