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رہے ہیں جیسا کہ ہمارا سورن کر چکا ہے۔ فال ایک لاکھ ستاروں میں کوئی ای گا جس کے گرد اس کا سیارہ اتنے موزوں فاصلے پر کت کرتا ہوگا جہاں زندگی وجود کا امکان ہوسکتا ہے۔ kely ICCI o extbook II near it? (Pindi, D.G. Khan 2014. Sargodha 2015) the stars travel through a universe so immense that it o another star. There is an average distance of well irest neighbour on a scale model. Whennes Jeans, a wandering star, wandering through ng came near the sun, its tidal pull must have raised herg me nearer and nearer? Over the surface of the sun when the star came nearer Chwade which we can hardly imagine it. o existence? (Guj 2014, FSD 2015) und the sun. They came into existence as a result of a e sun. The tidal pull of this star formed a mountain of wandering star moved away, the mountain of molten hese pieces are called planets, of which our earth is one. d. Bahawalpur 2014, GRW 2015) hrough space. They are far too hot for the life to exist confor its existence which are not present on the stars. the he earth. / How did life come into being on earth? 2014 ar 14 Celtan, Pindi 2015) Acom led down gradually. Life started on the Earth in simple hechiefly in their ability to reproduce themselves before home of life that ended in the form of human beings. Why is there a part, so frightening? Give as many reasons as you The because of its immense distances, great stretches of time, our and is impossibility of the existence of life like our own a ...
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