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Odessa College
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The Responsible Son of a Neglectful Father
Almost everyone has attended school and has a story to tell about those days, whether
good or bad experiences. I am not excluded from this list because I have a story to tell too. I was
in high school when my dad applied for a big loan, and then life abruptly changed in the family.
The purpose of the loan was to help my dad complete a postgraduate course, but by the second
year, he had applied for four other loans from different credit institutions. All the money was
finished, and the school is still halfway. There was no money; even some organizations from
which the loans were borrowed threatened to sell our land in order to have their money paid
back. Although this did not happen, there was no other institution from which he could borrow
again. Life was hard, and we could sleep in hunger, go almost without clothes, and rarely
celebrate some holidays. I entered high school in a top-ranked school, and education became my
love. Fees could not be afforded by the third year until I was transferred to a local high school to
cut financial costs. I was in great distress and this affected how I perceived life. However,
despite this distress, the challenges that I experienced made me love my mum, support my
siblings, and understand the role of a father figure in a family.
For one thing, my love for my mum was developed to extremes when we were
experiencing financial challenges. Due to the many debts that dad had, he stopped providing for
the family. Everything was left to my mum; looking for something to eat on a daily basis, as well
as catering for other basic needs. Mum did not have a stable job, and the pay was still pathetic.
My dad had changed entirely; his happiness disappeared, his body reduced in weight and size,
and he did not want to hear anything related to money. Mum was the only rescue because she
looked for many failing alternatives and opportunities to make sure we were healthy. I remember
a period when I was sent home for school fees, and dad did not respond. Rather, he switched off
his phone because he was working in another town. However, my mum could borrow for her
friends and other groups for me to continue with my studies. These efforts that mum made
throughout our childhood until we grew up got me so close to her. She was my support, and she
loved me dearly, just as a mother loves her son. Up to date, I love my mum so much that I cannot
choose another if I were given a chance. She has always been there for me, and I swore to make
her happy once I get a job. I would treat her nicely and make her forget all the challenges that
she has experienced for our sake. This love was as a result of the mistakes that dad made, and the
effort that mum made to maneuver through the consequences of dad’s deeds.

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THE RESPONSIBLE SON OF A NEGLECTFUL FATHER1 The Responsible Son of a Neglectful Father Almost everyone has attended school and has a story to tell about those days, whether good or bad experiences. I am not excluded from this list because I have a story to tell too. I was in high school when my dad ...
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