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What does “A Matter of Principle” reveal about the state of race relations between light
skin and dark skin AAs.
The book “A matter of principle reveals a distant relation between light-skinned and
dark-skinned African Americans. In the Chestnutt work, Clayton is a character who is used to
show the relationship between the dark-skinned and light-skinned African American community.
Those who were light kin felt insulted to be grouped as black people or as negroes. Therefore,
they developed principles to live like whites and leave the black stereotypes that made them
become associated with Negros. More importantly, they go ahead and determine the kind of
marriage partner for their daughter based on the principles they had developed to avoid
association and interaction with dark-skinned African Americans. So, the fictional story shows
the status light-skinned have that make distance themselves from dark-skinned people of color.
Sometimes it was made through much sacrifice although the whites grouped them as people of
color without distinguishing them using their complexion.
The distant relationship is portrayed by we the light in complexion people of color fail to
consider themselves as blacks. “Of course, we can’t enforce our claims, or protect ourselves
from being robbed of our birthright; but we can at least have principles, and try to live up to them
the best we can” (Chesnutt, p.149). The reason for the distant relationship is that the black
community is portrayed as aggressive and disrespectful (Wool p.3). Together with of the social

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club states that they cannot enforce their claim that they are whites but they need to protect
themselves from the black people by developing principles and living to them as best as they
can. So, the principle is to deny their race and cut the association with the black race which they
consider to be comprised of darker skin people. As stated, “Chesnutt portrays the apparent
psychotic episodes of his black or mixed-race characters not as the manifestations of a natural
condition but as violent interruptions in the narrative that call into question a “realist” account of
events generated from the white perspective (Wool, p. 12). So, the light-skinned African
Americans want to see the dark-skinned from a white man perspective and deny the history and
events that determine their characters.
Moreover, the light-skinned people consider themselves superior and the dark-skinned
inferior. Clayton’s family believes to acquire superiority and power over other African
Americans they need to be wealthy. So, that is why they started a business that start as a cheap
business and grow into a big expensive restaurant (Chesnutt, p. 151). When they made wealth,
they position superior over dark-skinned. Mostly, in racial discrimination, the white race is seen
as superior and wealthy. It is through the wealthy status that gives them power over the people of
color. So, the light-skinned African Americans take the position of the white community at that
time to oppress and discriminate against people with complexion.
Further, there is low or no interaction in a social and religious event. The light-skinned
people live to their principle to behave and not to associate with the black people. In living up to
his creed Mr. Clayton declined to associate to any considerable extent with black people”.
(Chesnutt, p.150). According to the book, the Clayton family did attend the church that was
majorly attended by white people. Also, they had to sacrifice not attending parties and social
events that were attended by dark-skinned black people (Chesnutt, p. 150). The avoiding of such

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Surname 1 Name: Author: Tutor: Date: What does “A Matter of Principle” reveal about the state of race relations between light skin and dark skin AAs. The book “A matter of principle” reveals a distant relation between light-skinned and dark-skinned African Americans. In the Chestnutt work, Clayton is a character who is used to show the relationship between the dark-skinned and light-skinned African American community. Those who were light kin felt insulted to be grouped as black people or as negroes. Therefore, they developed principles to live like whites and leave the black stereotypes that made them become associated with Negros. More importantly, they go ahead and determine the kind of marriage partner for their daughter based on the principles they had developed to avoid association and interaction with dark-skinned African Americans. So, the fictional story shows the status light-skinned have that make distance themselves from dark-skinned people of color. Sometimes it was made through much sacrifice although the whites grouped them as people of color without distinguishing them using their complexion. The distant relationship is portrayed by we the light in complexion people of color fail to consider themselves as blacks. “Of course, we can’t enforce our claims, or protect ourselves from being robbed of our birthright; but we can at least have principles, and try to live up to them the best we can” (Chesnutt, p.149). The reason for the distant relationsh ...
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