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Abortion As An Individual Choice 004

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Idaho State University
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Abortion as an Individual Choice
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Abortion as an Individual Choice
Abortion is one of the topics that always spark heated debates in our country and other
countries around the world. Abortion is the intentional termination of pregnancy by removing the
fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own outside the womb. The ability to access
safe and legitimate abortions by women is restricted by law or in practice in several countries
worldwide. Even in places where abortion gets permitted by law, women usually have limited
access to safe abortion services due to inadequate health services or improper directives on how
to carry out the process. Abortion is not always a murder because there are exceptions that allow
it legally, such as when the pregnancy poses great health, life risk to the mother, or the
pregnancy is a result of rape and sexual assault. Therefore, abortion should always be considered
an individual choice.
A female who conceives a fetus as a result of sexual assault or rape should have a say on
whether or not to keep the baby. Claims made by advocates who argue that a woman should
keep the baby because abortion is illegal and inhumane appear to be vague and unreasonable.
The reason being, the woman, conceived out of her own will and consent and therefore, keeping
the baby is denying the woman of her human rights due to the wrong-doings of another person
and hence cannot be considered just. Rape can lead to severe complications, during and after
gestation, with likely consequences for the rape victim and her fetus (Jones and Jerman, 2017).
Thus, denying a woman of the decision not to keep the baby would be considered a violation of
her human rights to do as she pleases with her body.
Another reason to justify abortion is when the pregnancy brings about health
complications to the mother. During the gestation period, some women may face complications

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1 Running head: ABORTION AS AN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE Abortion as an Individual Choice Student’s Name Institution Date ABORTION AS AN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE 2 Abortion as an Individual Choice Abortion is one of the topics that always spark heated debates in our country and other countries around the world. Abortion is the intentional termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own outside the womb. The ability to access safe and legitimate abortions by women is restricted by law or in practice in several countries worldwide. Even in places where abortion gets permitted by law, women usually have limited access to safe abortion services due to inadequate health services or improper directives on how to carry out the process. Abortion is not always a murder because there are exceptions that allow it legally, such as when the pregnancy poses great health, life risk to the mother, or the pregnancy is a result of rape and sexual assault. Therefore, abortion should always be considered an individual choice. A female who conceives a fetus as a result of sexual assault or rape should have a say on whether or not to keep the baby. Claims made by advocates who argue that a woman should keep the baby because abortion is illegal and inhumane appear to be vague and unreasonable. The reason being, the woman, conceived out of her own will and consent and therefore, keeping the baby is denying the woman of her human rights due to the wrong-doings of ...
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