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Text Mining Edd

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Northeastern University
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Running head: TEXT MINING 1
Text Mining: Trump Tweets
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The evolution of data sharing and communication platforms such as Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, and emails has resulted in the massive production of data. Generated data can be analyzed
and used to improve the value of a business. For example, Amazon can assess data from different e-
commerce users across the globe with the aim of building a proper framework for extracting and
analyzing useful information. AS such, the reliance on data analysis to improve business value has
supported the importance of text mining. This approach entails deriving meaningful information from
a natural text language. R programming offers interesting insights into the organization and analysis
of data. The text mining (TM) package in R is an essential component of text analysis (Feinerer,
2013). This paper presents the workflow involved text mining of Trump tweets in Rstudio.
Steps involved in the R Session and Explanation
Installing Packages
The first step involved in this framework is the installation of packages. The packages required
and installed for this session include; “SnowballCC", "RColorBrewer", "ggplot2", "wordcloud",
"biclust", "cluster", "igraph", and “fpc”. With the acquisition of these new packages, the power of the
R program is improved from basic functionalities. Without this step, the process of text analysis would
be impossible. As such, installing all the recommended R packages fall as part of the first line of text
analysis in R.
Loading Texts and Corpus Manipulation
The second step in text mining is the importing data. In this session, 11 documents saved in txt
format were downloaded and saved in the “texts” folder. The data can be imported using the import
feature in Rstudio. Besides, the data can be imported by executing code in the script file. This step
plays an essential in the text mining process. Ideally, the downloaded texts are made accessible in the
Rstudio for analysis. Without data importation, text mining cannot be performed. The code presented
in loading the text is presented below;
cname <- file.path("~", "Documents", "texts")

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Running head: TEXT MINING 1 Text Mining: Trump Tweets Student Name: Course Name: Professor Name: Date of Submission: TEXT MINING 2 Introduction The evolution of data sharing and communication platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and emails has resulted in the massive production of data. Generated data can be analyzed and used to improve the value of a business. For example, Amazon can assess data from different ecommerce users across the globe with the aim of building a proper framework for extracting and analyzing useful information. AS such, the reliance on data analysis to improve business value has supported the importance of text mining. This approach entails deriving meaningful information from a natural text language. R programming offers interesting insights into the organization and analysis of data. The text mining (TM) package in R is an essential component of text analysis (Feinerer, 2013). This paper presents the workflow involved text mining of Trump tweets in Rstudio. Steps involved in the R Session and Explanation Installing Packages The first step involved in this framework is the installation of packages. The packages required and installed for this session include; “SnowballCC", "RColorBrewer", "ggplot2", "wordcloud", "biclust", "cluster", "igraph", and “fpc”. With the acquisition of these new packages, the power of the R program is improved from basic functionalities. Without this step, the process of text analysis would be impossibl ...
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