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PSY _300__ week 3 DQs

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Week 3
DQ 1: How limited is short-term memory when compared to long-term memory? How
does this affect our overall consciousness? Is the retention of information conscious or
semi-conscious? Explain your answer
Short-term memory is information that the mind retains for short period of time.
Example is lock the door after the task is completed there is no longer a need to retain
the information. Long-term memory is information that the mind retains for a long period
of time, information is of importance. Example is learning a, b, c, how to walk, talk, ride
a bike, or drive a car, the information that is learned is retained in our long-term memory
for later use. Short-term memory retains information for a matter of seconds or minutes
and Long-term can retain for a life time. The overall consciousness which is the control
system of the mind, and can recall the information after the mind has organized, and
sorted the information that needs to recall. The retention of information is semi-
conscious because that of importance the mind retains and that of non-importance is
Response 2
Short-term memory can only hold information for about 20 to 30 seconds. Someone's
short term memory can be measured by using the digit test, which measures how many
digits someone can hold in memory at one time. An average digit span is about seven
digits, which is why telephone numbers are seven digits. Also, items in short-term
memory can be "bumped" out of memory by new short-term memory items. I believe
short-term memory is usually conscious. Most of us will repeat a number over and over
so that we can commit it to memory when we are getting ready to dial it. Short-term
memory is also easily accessed.
Long-term memory can last a lifetime. I believe that long-term memory is usually not
processed consciously. Because there is so much information from throughout our lives
that is contained within long-term memory, it is not always easily accessed. Sometimes
it can take us a minute of thinking to remember someone's name or even a memory
while our brain is processing through information stored in our long-term memory bank.
Information will go through long-term memory first which then decides whether to
commit it to long-term memory or store it in short-term memory.
Response 3
According to our reading on Short Term Memory on the average people can remember
about seven pieces of information at a time, with a normal range from five to nine items

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(Miller, 1956). Long Term Memory is enduring, virtually limitless, but more difficult to
access. For information to get into LTM, it must first be represented in each of the prior
two memory stores, and the longer it stays in STM, the more likely it is to receive
permanent storage in LTM. Our overall consciousness is affected because
consciousness monitors inner and outer experiences that prevent and solve
problems, but they must be stored in the proper place.
I think that the retention of information is both conscious and semiconscious, it depends
on how important the situation is. If there is something that we want, need, or desire we
will make that a priority until it is accomplished. Those situations that are least important
are semiconscious, they would be put on the back burner for now, but yet we are aware
of their existence.
Response 4
When we think of long term memory and short term memory we need to know the
definition of memory and what memory means According to the webster dictionary,
memory is a particular act of recall or recollection. Short term memory is thinking of or
remembering a certain topic or having the memory of a certain situation but only
remembering that certain situation for a short term time as in weeks or even days. If we
think of something for example, calling in a payment to the credit card company and
forget about it even though you just got the bill yesterday and you were planning on
calling in that payment today, this can affect short term memory. Memory loss can affect
all of us not just the elderly. Most people think that only having short term memory is
because of age. I think it has to do with the person and how much the persons brain is
already retaining. Its like thinking of memory of a computer, it can only store so much
before the memory gets "blurred" and this can be bad business and the computer might
start to go slower and so on. This can be something to think about when we think of
memory of a person whether it be short term or long term. A person that has less on
their minds might be able to retain more current info and may be able to remember
thinks better than someone that has too much on their minds and that memory bank is
full. I think that the retention of information can be conscious because its all about what
the person is thinking about and what is on their mind. If a person is going through a
death in the family then their mind may be at a blur about things that have just
happened at work but that memory of that person who just passed away may be just
like yesterday when it all reality it could have been ten years or more ago.
Wk. 3 DQ 2: Do you agree with Gardners theory of multiple intelligence? Why or why

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Week 3 DQ 1:?How limited is short-term memory when compared to long-term memory? How does this affect our overall consciousness? Is the retention of information conscious or semi-conscious? Explain your answer Short-term memory is information that the mind retains for short period of time. Example is lock the door after the task is completed there is no longer a need to retain the information. Long-term memory is information that the mind retains for a long period of time, information is of importance. Example is learning a, b, c, how to walk, talk, ride a bike, or drive a car, the information that is learned is retained in our long-term memory for later use. Short-term memory retains information for a matter of seconds or minutes and Long-term can retain for a life time. The overall consciousness which is the control system of the mind, and can recall the information after the mind has organized, and sorted the information that needs to recall. The retention of information is semi-conscious because that of importance the mind retains and that of non-importance is forgotten.? Response 2 Short-term memory can only hold information for about 20 to 30 seconds.? Someone's short term memory can be measured by using the digit test, which measures how many digits someone can hold in memory at one time.? An average digit span is about seven digits, which is why telephone numbers are seven digits.? Also, items in short-term memory can be "bumped" out of memory by new short-term memo ...
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