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Giac Cybersecurity Certification.edited

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University of Kentucky
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GIAC Cybersecurity Certification
Student's Name
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GIAC Cybersecurity Certification
This is a professional cybersecurity certification program with more than 30 cyber
certifications and lines with SANS training to ensure a master's in critical and a specialized
security domain. GIAC certification provides higher reorganized assurance on cybersecurity
knowledge and skills available in the industry, military clients, and government institutions
across the world (GIAC, 2020). GIAC certification provides a variety of certification programs
like GIAC security essentials certification, GIAC certified incident handler, GIAC certified
forensic analyst, GIAC penetration tester, GIAC security leadership, among others.
GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC)
This certification offers mass marketing appeal and its surprise on the most popular
GIAC certifications. In 2015 over 106 people carried an entry with GIAC security essentials
certification and close to over a hundred thousand individuals holding more popular certification
information under this institution. The earning of GSES credential requires an individual to pass
a single multiple choices exam across a proctored testing center. A score of 73% in the test
provides an accurate answer for 132 exam questions that these certification institutes offer.
GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)
This certification program offers several security incidents that are mainly reported in the
media with a high demand for skill incident response personnel. The reason for this certification
institute program is to provide at least 25 546 individuals who have a GCIH certification
program for this institution (Mike Chapple, 2017). The GCIH exam covers a type of incident in
handling processes, knowledge, and identification of detecting attacks in vulnerable incidence
and improving control prevention for future events. The exam covers over 72% by answering
108 exam questions correctly.

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Running head: GIAC CYBERSECURITY CERTIFICATION GIAC Cybersecurity Certification Student's Name Institutional Affiliation 1 GIAC CYBERSECURITY CERTIFICATION 2 GIAC Cybersecurity Certification This is a professional cybersecurity certification program with more than 30 cyber certifications and lines with SANS training to ensure a master's in critical and a specialized security domain. GIAC certification provides higher reorganized assurance on cybersecurity knowledge and skills available in the industry, military clients, and government institutions across the world (GIAC, 2020). GIAC certification provides a variety of certification programs like GIAC security essentials certification, GIAC certified incident handler, GIAC certified forensic analyst, GIAC penetration tester, GIAC security leadership, among others. GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC) This certification offers mass marketing appeal and its surprise on the most popular GIAC certifications. In 2015 over 106 people carried an entry with GIAC security essentials certification and close to over a hundred thousand individuals holding more popular certification information under this institution. The earning ...
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