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PSY -30-0 week 5- Abnormal Psychology and Therapy docx_original-work

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University Of Phoenix

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Psychology is a “soft science”; answers and facts are hard to come by
and subject to interpretation. As a result of this, there are several schools of
thought. Each school of thought accepts the standardized labels and diagnosis
of mental illness and disorders however, the treatment of these mental illnesses
and disorders are subject to different methods.
Before treatment can begin, a diagnosis needs to be established. A
therapist needs to first establish what is normal and abnormal psychology, and
then this therapist needs to diagnose the disorder or illness, and finally, needs to
establish what treatment is needed.
This paper will compare and contrast normal and abnormal psychology.
This paper will then examine two mental illnesses, Post Traumatic Stress and
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, and two mental disorders, Bipolar disorder
and Schizophrenia. Finally this paper will discuss the similarities and differences
of how these illnesses and disorders are treated by each psychological school of
Normal and Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behaviors within an
individual’s mental capacity. The reason why abnormal psychology is called
abnormal is because it studies the behavior that causes an individual to act
outside of normal expectancies. These unusual behaviors can be anything from
depression, schizophrenia, etc. and the individual cannot control most of these

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Original work University Of Phoenix Introduction Psychology is a "soft science"; answers and facts are hard to come by and subject to interpretation. As a result of this, there are several schools of thought. Each school of thought accepts the standardized labels and diagnosis of mental illness and disorders however, the treatment of these mental illnesses and disorders are subject to different methods. Before treatment can begin, a diagnosis needs to be established. A therapist needs to first establish what is normal and abnormal psychology, and then this therapist needs to diagnose the disorder or illness, and finally, needs to establish what treatment is needed. This paper will compare and contrast normal and abnormal psychology. This paper will then examine two mental illnesses, Post Traumatic Stress and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, and two mental disorders, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia. Finally this paper will discuss the similarities and differences of how these illnesses and disorders are treated by each psychological school of thought. Normal and Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behaviors within an individual's mental capacity.? The reason why abnormal psychology is called abnormal is because it studies the behavior that causes an individual to act outside of normal expectancies.? These unusual behaviors can be anything from depression, schizophrenia, etc. and the individual cannot control most of these behavio ...
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