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Florida International University
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Running head: REFLECTION PAPER 1
Reflection Paper

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Gerontological nursing has been more interesting than I had anticipated. It has changed
my perception of handling the aged people, which I thought was hard and complicated. Through
the course, I have learnt how to examine the physical, mental and social facets of the elderly
persons and how to deliver care based on the identified needs. I have discovered that effective
communication is a crucial tool for relating well with the elderly and understanding them. I have
also identified healthcare needs and how to manage them (Seminole State College, n.d).
Moreover, in class, we have identified the ethical and legal policies that are associated with
caring for elderly persons. I can now say that I am fully equipped in attending to the elderly’s
needs in the fieldwork.
In class, I have learnt that ageing comes with its unique physiological features. The
elderly suffer from chronic illnesses, physical disabilities and impairments or mental disorders.
These conditions make them too frail to take care of themselves, and they, therefore, require
extra support from healthcare and families as well. Identifying and understanding their needs
makes it easier to render quality care for them. Personally, I am quite compassionate of the
elderly because I have my two grandparents whom I love so much. However, I had always feared
when I heard they were sick because I am always scared of losing them. I now know we are all
in the same track of life and having an elderly in the family is actually a blessing. I am glad I
took this course because I can now take care of my grandparents and other elderly persons as
well. This course has taught me how to care for the elderly to give them the best palliative
services, even in their last days in the world.
Course Reflection
One of the major goals in the course was to analyze the physical, mental, environmental
and social issues affecting the elderly persons. I was able to identify the major physical

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Running head: REFLECTION PAPER 1 Reflection Paper Name Tutor Institution Course Date REFLECTION PAPER 2 Gerontological nursing has been more interesting than I had anticipated. It has changed my perception of handling the aged people, which I thought was hard and complicated. Through the course, I have learnt how to examine the physical, mental and social facets of the elderly persons and how to deliver care based on the identified needs. I have discovered that effective communication is a crucial tool for relating well with the elderly and understanding them. I have also identified healthcare needs and how to manage them (Seminole State College, n.d). Moreover, in class, we have identified the ethical and legal policies that are associated with caring for elderly persons. I can now say that I am fully equipped in attending to the elderly’s needs in the fieldwork. In class, I have learnt that ageing comes with its unique physiological features. The elderly suffer from chronic illnesses, physical disabilities and impairments or mental disorders. These conditions make them too frail to take care of themselves, and they, therefore, require extra support from healthcare and families as well. Identifying and understanding their needs makes it easier to render quality care for them. Personally, I am quite compassionate of the elderly because I have my two grandparents whom I love so much. However, I had always feared when I heard they were sick because I am always scared of ...
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