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Week 6 discussion pdf

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Harvard university
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Week 6 Discussion Mike is a 46-year-old who presents with a complaint of "heartburn" for 3 months. He describes the pain as burning and it is in the epigastric area. The pain improves after he takes an antacid or drinks milk. He has been taking either over-the-counter (OTC) famotidine or ranitidine off and on for the past 2 months and he still has recurring epigastric pain. He has lost 6 lb. since his last visit. Assessment His examination is unremarkable. His blood pressure (BP) is 118/72. Laboratory values are normal complete blood count (CBC) and a positive serum Helicobacter pylori test. is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m 1. What would you prescribe initially? 2. How long would you prescribe these medications? 3. What other possible meds could you prescribe to assist with the side effects from the medications prescribed? 4. How would the treatment vary if the patient has GERD instead? There is not a lab labeled as H-Pylori, ordering a CBC and ESR is the first line of treatment. This will display what his immune system’s response is to H -pylori by measuring levels of H pylori antibodies. The ESR levels are indicative severity of swelling. If hi ...
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