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High School

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ashford university
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High School
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Why the High School Level appeals to me
In the education field, there are many careers that one can choose from. A career in
education has levels such as high school, middles school, elementary, and early childhood. From
these levels of education, the level that appeals to me most is high school. My choice is based on
various pros of teaching in a high school. First, compared to an elementary school teacher, a high
school teacher only needs to specialize in one particular subject. This advantage will allow me as
a teacher to delve deeper into subjects that interest me. Each day, most teachers in high school
cover the same course multiple times. Therefore, coming up with lesson plans is less time-
consuming. Such an advantage will allow me to focus on projects and other exciting activities for
my students. Also, students in high school tend to be more mature compared to those in
elementary or middle school. Most of the high school students are looking forward to life after
high school. In this regard, it will be easier to create great bonds with my students. In the
process, it will be possible for me to make a difference in their lives and assist them in
understanding the subject better. Other reasons why the high school level appeals to me include;
the students are more independent, the rebellion starts to wear off at this stage, the students are
flexible adults, and they are starting to get serious.
personal qualities I possess that will help me to be successful in the high school level of
There are various personal qualities I possess that will enable me to be successful in the
high school level of service. These personal qualities include compassion, flexibility, curiosity,
attention to detail, and creativity. For example, state tests will often determine the learning
objectives that high school teachers must teach. However, a creative teacher is always pondering
how he will engage his students so that they will remember what they were taught when tests

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Running header: HIGH SCHOOL High School Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course HIGH SCHOOL 2 Why the High School Level appeals to me In the education field, there are many careers that one can choose from. A career in education has levels such as high school, middles school, elementary, and early childhood. From these levels of education, the level that appeals to me most is high school. My choice is based on various pros of teaching in a high school. First, compared to an elementary school teacher, a high school teacher only needs to specialize in one particular subject. This advantage will allow me as a teacher to delve deeper into subjects that interest me. Each day, most teachers in high school cover the same course multiple times. Therefore, coming up with lesson plans is less timeconsuming. Such an advantage will allow me to focus on projects and other exciting activities for my students. Also, students in high school tend to be more mature compared to those in elementary or middle school. Most of the high school students are looking forward to life after high school. In this regard, it will be easier to create great bonds with my students. In the process, it ...
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