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Survey Project

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Computer Science
Southern Arkansas University
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Survey project
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Survey Project
The paper herein tries to query on the use of social media and its effects focusing more on cyber
bullying. A survey was generated with questions revolving around usage of social medial and
targeting a variety of users of different backgrounds, age, gender and occupation. In order to grab
more understanding, the survey included questions pertaining the effects of social medial usage
to individual respondents and how some f the negative effects could be curbed.
Creating the Survey
The first step towards the survey creation was researching about social media it entails. I
quarried the effects social media usage have on individuals both the cons and pros and weighed
them. Through the information gained, I had substantial insight that guided me on designing the
questions for the survey.
The survey, designed in form of a questionnaire was divided into three sections: Section one
focusing on collecting the personal information of the respondent and through this section I was
able to gather viable information entailing the demographics of the people, which included:
name, age, gender and occupation. Section 2 aimed at collecting information regarding usage of
social media. The frequency of social media usage, duration of time a given person have been
using social media, daily social media frequency usage, social media accounts that a given
individual has, favorite social media platform, ideal time for social media usage, main reasons a
given user access the social media and the range of hours a given user accesses the social media
weekly was included in this section. The last section was attempting to query insights regarding

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Survey project Student’s name Institution affiliation Date Survey Project Abstract The paper herein tries to query on the use of social media and its effects focusing more on cyber bullying. A survey was generated with questions revolving around usage of social medial and targeting a variety of users of different backgrounds, age, gender and occupation. In order to grab more understanding, the survey included questions pertaining the effects of social medial usage to individual respondents and how some f the negative effects could be curbed. Creating the Survey The first step towards the survey creation was researching about social media it entails. I quarried the effects social media usage have on individuals both the cons and pros and weighed them. Through the information gained, I had substantial insight that guided me on designing the questions for the survey. The survey, designed in form of a questionnaire was divided into three sections: Section one focusing on collecting the personal information of the respondent and through this section I was able to gather viable information entailing the demographics of the people, which included: name, age, gender and occupation. Section 2 aimed at collecting information regarding usage of social media. The frequency of social media usage, duration of time a given person have been using social media, daily social media frequency usage, social media accounts that a given individual has, favorite social media platform, ideal tim ...
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