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Erikson Life Review

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Cardinal Stritch University
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Erikson Life Review
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Erikson Life Review
Having lived a life that has been shaped by numerous experiences, I can recall the
impact of various threads of development and how they natured me to become the character
that I am today. I was fortunate enough to be born into a family of four, with my only sibling
being a bigger sister. As the last born, I was offered a lot of love and support by my Father,
Mother, and bigger Sister, an aspect that helped me conquer my experience of fear, doubt,
and mistrust. Whenever I cried, my mother and big sister would rush to cuddle me, and in
other instances, my father would always rush to hold especially at night, or when he arrived
home from work. Through the constant care and attention from my support, I began feeling
comfortable around my parents and elder sister, although I would always cry whenever I am
handed off to strangers. According to Erickson’s stages of development, the first stage of
development is referred to as Trust versus Mistrust and it entails infants learning that they can
develop trust towards adults and the world in general (Widick et al., 1978). This was
particularly evident in my case because I had responsive caregivers who were my parents.
When I grew up to about two years of age, I noticed that my preference in clothing,
toys, and food began changing. I would often prefer when I played with cars rather than dolls
and would always get angry whenever my sister or my dad would try and play with me. I
often preferred to choose and dress myself despite being young, am aspect I believe Erickson
captured in the Autonomy vs Shame category as the desire to uphold my sense of
independence (Branje & Koper, 2018). With time my parents allowed me to dress myself and
even play alone, thereby successfully achieving confidence in my abilities, an aspect that the
Erick affirmed to lead to high self-esteem. Although I did not realize any negativity, Erickson
asserted that the approach was bound to lead towards a sense of guilt.

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Running head: ERIKSON LIFE REVIEW Erikson Life Review Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 2 ERIKSON LIFE REVIEW Erikson Life Review Having lived a life that has been shaped by numerous experiences, I can recall the impact of various threads of development and how they natured me to become the character that I am today. I was fortunate enough to be born into a family of four, with my only sibling being a bigger sister. As the last born, I was offered a lot of love and support by my Father, Mother, and bigger Sister, an aspect that helped me conquer my experience of fear, doubt, and mistrust. Whenever I cried, my mother and big sister would rush to cuddle me, and in other instances, my father would always rush to hold especially at night, or when he arrived home from work. Through the constant care and attention from my support, I began feeling comfortable around my parents and elder sister, although I would always cry whenever I am handed off to strangers. According to Erickson’s stages of development, the first stage of development is referred to as Trust versus Mistrust and it entails infants learning that they can develop trust towards adults and the world in general (Widick et al., 1978). This was particularly evident in my case because I had responsive caregivers who were my parents. When I grew up to about two years of age, I noticed that my preference in clothing, toys, and food began changing. I would often prefer when I played with cars rather than do ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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