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Running head: CORONAVIRUS 1
Name of Student
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Covid-19 also known as the coronavirus is a contagious disease caused by the
discovered coronavirus. This virus was first discovered on 31 December in Wuhan state,
china. China reported pneumonia-like cases to the world Health Organisation, which was
later named COVID-19 . It was thought to have originated from the seafood whose trade was
being carried out illegally. On 7th February however Chinese scientists argued that the
disease was transmitted from wild animals to humans. The animals suspected include snakes,
bats, and Pangolins which are normally eaten in Asian for food and medical purposes. So far
the COVID -19 infections stand at 3,023.205, 208,883 deaths, and 893,120 recoveries . This
research paper captures how the COVID -19 is spread and how it individuals can protect
themselves from is believed that the virus can survive from 3 to 72 hours depending on
the surface.
Problem statement
The research problems focus on the introduction of thermal screening and handled
thermometers at the airport, effects of COVID-19 on personal hygiene including
dermatologic effects, the discovery of drugs for the coronavirus, the steps taken by
government diagnostic companies and provider response to spread of COVID-19, emphasis
on the musculoskeletal within the secondary settings.
Literature review
Dennis, (2020) stated that airports were the most futile places, as imported cases of
COVID-19 goes through here. He went ahead and proposes the filling of health questioners
and screening using gun thermometers to detect any cases. My proposal, however, finds a gap
in this and proposes the use of thermal screening and hand thermometers as this gives more
accurate results. Suspected victims are then advised on the necessary measures.

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Running head: CORONAVIRUS 1 Coronavirus Name of Student Institution Affiliation Date CORONAVIRUS Introduction Covid-19 also known as the coronavirus is a contagious disease caused by the discovered coronavirus. This virus was first discovered on 31 December in Wuhan state, china. China reported pneumonia-like cases to the world Health Organisation, which was later named COVID-19 . It was thought to have originated from the seafood whose trade was being carried out illegally. On 7th February however Chinese scientists argued that the disease was transmitted from wild animals to humans. The animals suspected include snakes, bats, and Pangolins which are normally eaten in Asian for food and medical purposes. So far the COVID -19 infections stand at 3,023.205, 208,883 deaths, and 893,120 recoveries . This research paper captures how the COVID -19 is spread and how it individuals can protect themselves from is believed that the virus can survive from 3 to 72 hours depending on the surface. Problem statement The research problems focus on the introduction of thermal screening and handled thermometers at the airport, effects of COVID-19 on personal hygiene including dermatologic effects, the discovery of drugs for the coronavirus, the steps taken by government diagnostic companies and provider response to spread of COVID-19, emphasis on the musculoskeletal within the secondary settings. Literature review Dennis, (2020) stated that airports were the most futile places, as i ...
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