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Contingency Plan

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University of Nevada - Las Vegas
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Contingency Plan
A contingency plan is a set of developed responses in advance in order to counteract the
various situations that might affect a business (Castro, 2012). The Point of Sales (POS) system is
basically used by customers for rendering payments of goods and services within a company.
Once you notice a major problem with the POS system, a quick reaction is always advised in
order to eliminate the failure’s impact on the business. Specifically, if there exists an already
drawn up contingency plan, the process is eased and you are not likely to panic that can lead you
into making poor decisions.
Contingency Plan: 1 5 hour down time
Point of Sales
(POS) system
going down
- Develop a process for
running operations with less
system-oriented work load.
- Have well-designed back
up system of operation.
- Establish a proper
communication system for
emergency purposes (Bai,
Du, Ma, Shen Zhou, & Chen,
- Assemble all the manual
mode accessories for
emergency cases.
- Check the power plug-ins
and all the wires to the
terminals to ascertain any
power supply problem.
- Modify the operation
processes into reduced points
of making payments rather
than the usual points such as
shutting down one or two
payment points.
- Notify the customers that
there is a problem with the
Point of Sales system and
their order might take longer
than usual to process
(Lancioni, Smith, & Oliva,

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Running head: CONTINGENCY PLAN 1 Name Institution Course Date CONTINGENCY PLAN 2 Contingency Plan A contingency plan is a set of developed responses in advance in order to counteract the various situations that might affect a business (Castro, 2012). The Point of Sales (POS) system is basically used by customers for rendering payments of goods and services within a company. Once you notice a major problem with the POS system, a quick reaction is always advised in order to eliminate the failure’s impact on the business. Specifically, if there exists an already drawn up contingency plan, the process is eased and you are not likely to panic that can lead you into making poor decisions. Contingency Plan: 1 – 5 hour down time Risk Probability Preparation Response Point of Sales High - Develop a process for - Check the power plug-ins (POS) system running operations with less and all the wires to the going down system-oriented work load. terminals to ascertain any - Have well-designed back power supply problem. up system of operation. - Modify the operation - Establish a proper processes into reduced points communication system for of making payments rather emergency purposes (Bai, than the usual points such as Du, Ma, Shen Zhou, & Chen, shutting down one or two 2010. payment points. - Assemble all the manual - Notify the customers that mode accessories for there is a problem with the emergency cases. Point of Sales system and their order migh ...
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